Day in the Life

Feb 22, 1896

Journal Entry

February 22, 1896 ~ Saturday

22. I spent the day at home I done some pruning of trees &

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Letter from Sidney Sylvester Sanderson, 22 February 1896
Fairview, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Bro I recieved your letter of 20 inst and will say that with the help of God I will be there on the time appointed if there is nothing happens, to delay me I will present myself onat the Historian off March 20th 1896 Your Humble Servant S. S. Sanderson James C. Peterson Bp
Letter from Dykes Willard Sørenson, 22 February 1896
Ephraim, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff: Dear brother, In answere to your letter of February 20th. I am willing to respond to the call, but my circumstances are such that I, cannot leave at such an early date. I have orphan children and their property in my care, that I will have to make arrangements for. And my ^own^ affairs are such that I will not be able to leave until October. If this will meet with your approval, please, answere. Your Brother in the Gospel. Dykes W. Sorenson. C R Darius Bp. of Ephraim South Ward. above Next Oct. will do all right. J. F. S.
Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 22 February 1896
Prest. Wilford Woodruff and Mrs. Emma S. My Dear Parents: Your favors of the 2nd & 5th have been received. I can't immagine what I have done so terrible that you should give me such a dressing as you did in your last letter. I want to say for your information that for about six months passed I have tried to preside over the Berlin Conference of the North German Mission, this includes not alone the City of Berlin but also Sorau, Stettier and other places. Now Pa I hope this will explain to your satisfaction my having been in Sorau and my now being in Hannover. Yes it is true there is enough work for me to do in Berlin but there is work to be done elsewhere. When I am absent from Berlin Bro. Schettler takes charge. I could not give you an account of Bro. Ott's death before he died but did so directly after. You should consider a can not go at the speed of a telegram. You said you had just recd. my letter of Jan. 15th & thought it strange I made no mention of the affair but that was several days before Bro. Ott passed away. Ma could


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Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Feb 22, 1896