Day in the Life

Mar 28, 1896

Journal Entry

March 28, 1896 ~ Saturday

28 I spent the day at home I was in the garden overseeing
the sowing of seeds & plants in the Garden we sowed onions peas
set out strawburies & Potatoes &c

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Letter from Rasmus Eugene Jones, 28 March 1896
Provo City, Utah, Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Dear Brother, Your favor of the 16th inst. notifying me that I with others have been selected as a missionary to Germany and Switzerland to leave here in Sept. [18]96 is received. In reply will say that I accept with pleasure and feel proud that I am considered worthy by the servants of the Lord to be thus honored and will go in the hope that through the blessings of the Lord that I will be able to do my duty well and fulfill an honorable and proftitable mission. Very Respectfully, R. Eugene Jones. A Knudsen Bp 1st Ward
Letter from Isaac Hansen, 28 March 1896
Benjamin Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear brother in answer To the call to Scandinavia I can say that I am not Eduicated in that language but will except the call And will be ready on the time apointed and go whear the servents of god desire your brother in the gospel Isaac Hansen please let me no the date as your letter did not state it A. J. B. Stewart Bishop Benj Ward Shall the field of this brother be changed? G R see over.
Telegram from William Paxman, 28 March 1896
Nephi, To Prest. W. Woodruff or Jos. F. Smith. Bishop Elmer Taylor of Juab is very sick, has given up all hopes of recovery, and much desires to see his son James E. Taylor now filling a mission to England and if you can honorably release him to return he would like you to cable him at his expense to come as quick as possible. William Paxman. See over.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Mar 28, 1896