Day in the Life

Mar 30, 1896

Journal Entry

March 30, 1896 ~ Monday

30. ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I sent a letter to Owen from Father & Mother


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1038 mentions

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Letter from George P. Garff and Tryphena Brimhall Garff, 30 March 1896

Draper, Utah. President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother:– In reply to the call of myself and wife to the Sandwich Islands, will say. By the help of the Lord we will be ready to sail from Vancouver on according to the call on the 30th of May 1896. My delay in answering has been because of not

Letter from William Reid Rostron, 30 March 1896

Moroni Utah President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother In answer to yours of the date of the 26 inst will say that I will prefer the date of the 23 as I believe by so doing I can accomplish the temple work which work I desire to do. Your Brother in the Gospel Wm R Rostron

Letter from William McDermott, 30 March 1896

The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Dear Bretheren: Replying to your communica- tion of the "21st" inst will say that I will cheerfully accept the call to start upon a mission to the "Islands of the Pacific OaOcean." But am under the necessity of asking a few questions 1st What day will I need be in S. L. City to be set apart? 2nd About how much money will I need to pay my actual expen ses to carry me to my field of labor?

Letter from Jedediah Grant Casper, 30 March 1896

Bluff Dale Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother. yours of Mar 17th at hand will say in Reply that i was very much suprised but thankfull that i am counted worthey to fill so great a call and allthough somwhat short of means gladly Exept the call and am willing to go eny time, and wheare ever it may be my lot to go Your Brother J. G. Casper I gladly endorse the selection of Br Casper as a worthy man Resy L H Mousley Bishop

Letter from Eugene Curtis, 30 March 1896

Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother yours of the 25th recived, and will say in reply, that I am willing to go on the mission asined me, the only obstacle is that I Homestedid 160 acres of land about a year ago and have some little improvements on the same. the land lies wone half mile east of Pres. Haight Resi- dence in Oakley, and Promises to become valuebull in the future. I ask your councle in the mtter weather I shall go away and leave it or not. I remain your Brother in the Gospel Eugene Curtis Please give me a early reply Oakley Cassia Co Idaho. John L Smith Jr Bp

Letter from George Ether Casper, 30 March 1896

Wilford Woodruff Esq. Dear Brother In reply to your letter of the 18th inst will say that I will except the mission you have called me to perform to the best of my ability but am very sorry to say that my circumstances are such that it (will be impossible for me to get ready at the appointed time would like to have the time extended if possible as I have not the means to go with at present untill after I get my crops

Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 30 March 1896

Owen to Father {shorthand} on his release No 110 [end of sideways text] Berlin . Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dearest Father: I have always fostered the hope, worked & prayed almost night and day that I might gain an honorable released, after having filled a good mission but sad enough to me such hopes and imaginations found and end this evening when a letter was handed me from Prest Naegle stating that if I desired I could tear away without hardly saying good bye to the Saints and sail from Glasgow on the 23rd of April or before if I desires. He said he would send me my release when I desired it and felt bad that his plans & mine had all been knocked sky high. His explaination for this queer move should have been a letter from Prest. Lund but he forgot to endorse it as no letter came. This makes me feel bad and untill I get further news from you I can not be easy. If you Pa are ill and desire me to accept such an "asked for release" I shall accept it but nothing else under heaven would tempt me to do so. If you wished me released on my account I will say & pledge you my honor that

Letter to Abraham Owen Woodruff, 30 March 1896

My Dear Owen I am about to Mail a Letter from Mother to you so I drop in a Note to you I have just came into the office this Morning through a heavy Driving snow storm, it looks as though it was going to be one of the Hardest snow storms of the season. I was at the funeral of Bishop Weiler & spoke all 3 of the presidency spoke & the only ones who did. Ma has been writing to you about not getting a Letter for a week I do not marvel at it at all considering what you have to do ownly we hope there is Nothing the Matter with you We shall be looking for you to come home soon & worked in the garden a good share of Saturday with George & Nellies Asahel He is living with us & going to school. I done most of my work sitting in a chair, we sowed onions Peas & small stuff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Mar 30, 1896