Day in the Life

May 7, 1896

Journal Entry

May 07, 1896 ~ Thursday

7. I was much Better to day I slept Last night about 6 Hours
which I had not done before for 6 Month I went to the Temple
was administered to there for my sickness I was blessed
we talked over business in the Temple


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Letter from John Thorgeirson, 7 May 1896
Spanish Fork, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Yours of 6 Inst. at hand. It affords me great pleasure to be regarded worthy to go to my native land to teach the princibles of Life and Salvation; and my desire is to act in this, as well as in all other things, according to the will and instructions of those whom the Lord has placed over me. Bishop Gardner is personally well acquainted with me and my circumstances, and it is by and with his advise that—if consistent with your will—that I shall be pleased if I be allowed to go in the spring of 1897 instead of next fall. This is because I am somewhat in debt, and destitude of means at the present. But am sure of work. Your Brother in the Gospel, John Thorgeirson. Henry Gardner. Bishop
Religious - Minutes of First Presidency and Apostles
Thursday, M . The meeting of the First Presidency and Apos- les was held at the Temple at 11 A. M. There were present Presidents Woodruff, Cannon and Smith; and of the Twelve, Prest. L. Snow, and Elders F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant, J. W. Taylor and A. H. Cannon. Elder J. H. Smithreported by letter which was read, that in company with Prest. Horton D. Haight and his counselor Moroni Pickett, of the Cassia Stake, he had visited Grouse Creek and organized a new Bishopric, as follows: David H. Toyn Bishop, William P. Paskett, and Albert Richens, counselors. Prest. Lorenzo Snow called attention to the form of baptism used in the Temples on behalf of the dead, in which the words "for the remission of your sins" was ^were^ interpolated, being different from the form of baptism for the living. Preisident Joseph F. Smith sad ^said^ he had noticed in baptiz- ing a person for health the words were used "for the renewal of your covenants, the remission of your sins and the restoration of your health". It was the unanimous sense of the Council that these forms should be corrected by letter of instructions to the Temple Presidents. The question of a successor to Elder Anthon H. Luned as President of the European Mission was considered, and on motion of Prest. Geo. Q. Cannon, Elder Rulon S. Wells of the First Council of Seventies, was selected and appointed to suc- ceed Elder Lund in that position. President Cannon thought that the Twelve who were able to travel could be sent from time to time to visit the various mission,s, instead of being tied down to preside over either of such missions. President Cannon reported that the work in the Tonga Islands was of a most arduous character with very unsatisfactory results. It appeared that converts in that mission had not numbered one to ea^c^h missionary. He thought that in conse-


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

May 7, 1896