Day in the Life

May 22, 1896

Journal Entry

May 22, 1896 ~ Friday

^22^ 6 Hours I got more Easy in the morning we visited Sarah
& lefft her still vary low, we took cars for home at 5 oclok & returned home. Distance of the day 50 Miles


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Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
706 mentions

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Letter from Charles Jensen, b. 1865, 22 May 1896

Levan Juab Co President Woodruff Dear Brother In answer to yours of the 5th in can say that My feelings in regard to the call made on me to go and fill a mission I feel it my duty as wel as every Laterday Saint to do what I can to bring about the Salvation of my fellow Man. My Finantial ciramst- ances are not very favorabel but wil make an exertion to prepare Myself to be at your Office at the time appointed redy for the Mission. Your Bro in the Gospel Chas Jensen

Letter from Matthias Foss Cowley, 22 May 1896

Preston, Idaho, Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother; Bro. Gibbs' letter reached me to-day, in which I am notified of a call to fill a mission in Northern Idaho, Oregon, Montana, and Washington States in company with Elder Edward Stevenson. I answer for the next mail. I respond to the call, and will leave at any time you may designate. However if it is not urgent to start at once, I would like to have three weeks to get my affairs in shape, as I have several items which need my attention in order to leave my family in as good a condition as possible, and trust that giving me that much time will cause no disarrangement in the matter. The decision of the council to assist my family in my absence, and myself on my journey, I appreciate very much and thank you kindly. I hope that we shall not need

Letter from Eli Newsom, 22 May 1896

West La Fayette, Ind., President Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear sir The Printed matter duly recd for which please accept my thanks. It agrees with the witness within I have this day written Gen Pass Agt UPRR for transportation to Salt Lake City stoping of at North Platt Neb to arrange if Possible for the first Irrigation Fail in these States for Oct advanced notice of which has reached me. If they extend this courtecy as has the Santa Fe I shall soon be on my way to your City & shall amediately call on you on arrival I expect to give my time to testing my devise till the irrigating world accepts it & the Poor can have homes of their own where want will be a stranger. I feel sure

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

to Mary $20 C. T. $10 30


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

May 22, 1896