Day in the Life

May 25, 1896

Journal Entry

May 25, 1896 ~ Monday

25 I spent the day in the office President G. Q. Cannon
gave me an account of his Meeting with the Union pacific
board & the agreement they had Entered into which was
favorable I met with severalle of the Brethren and strangers
I Met Father Malone who delivered a Lecture against Ingelsole


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2259 mentions


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Letter from Charles A. Dean, 25 May 1896
Kansas City, Mo. . Mr. W. Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir: On April 28th we wrote you concerning the service of Mr. John R. Haolliday who has filed with this Company an application for a bond. Your reply not having reached us, we take the liberty of ad- dressing you again, and will thank you to say whether he was in your employ as minister from Jan. 15, [18]94 to April 1, [18]96. Thanking in advance for the same, I remain, Yours truly, Chas A Dean Vice President. App. 552 47 Ansd 29 May [18]96
Letter from Orson Smith, 25 May 1896
Logan, Utah, Prest Wilford Woodruff and Counselors Dear Brethern the enclosed letter will call your attention to the existing feelings enter- tained by the purchasers of the College land, and I think that if an investigation of this whole transaction will result in good to bothe the Brigham Young College and the setlers on the land. There should be a kindly feeling between the purchasers of the land and the institiution to which their children should go for learning, but under existing conditions the opposite will be the result. I suggest that a comittee of ^or from^ the College board and the present residents be appointed to pass upon the matter, after hearing those concerned on both sides. With kind regards Your Brother Orson Smith
Letter from Carl A. Marcusen, 25 May 1896
To the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Dear Bretheren Your comu- nication through Bro. Reynolds of May, 19th 1896, came duly to hand In answer I will say It is agreeable to my feelings to take a mission to Scandinavia. I have just taken a contract to build a


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Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

May 25, 1896