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Day in the Life

Nov 6, 1896

Journal Entry

November 06, 1896 ~ Friday

Nov 6th 1896
I met at the office several Brethren upon varyous
subjects A Letter from President Lorenzo Snow
to Moses Thatcher concerning a Meeting with
his quorum


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Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
655 mentions
Apostle, Family
370 mentions


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Letter from Henry W. Georgi, 6 November 1896
My dear Sir: In collecting important statistics regarding institutions of higher learning that are connected with the largest churches in this country, I am desirous of securing the latest and most complete list of the institutions of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. If you can supply me with this information in the form of an education report, or otherwise, I shall be greatly indebted to you. Hoping to receive an early reply, I remain, Very sincerely yours, Hene W. Georgi. First President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Letter from Henry Larsen, 6 November 1896
President Woodruff Dear Brother, Yours of the 24, received and, contents noted. I will be ready any time after the first of March acording to your call. Your loveing brother in the Gospel Henry Larsen Ernest F. Hale Bp.


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Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Nov 6, 1896