Day in the Life

Nov 20, 1896

Journal Entry

November 20, 1896 ~ Friday

Nov 20, 1896
I spent the day in the office Met with quite a Number
of the Brethren including Brother Budge Legrand Young & other


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Young, Marcus LeGrand
27 Dec 1840 - 23 Jul 1921
227 mentions


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Letter from James Madison Pierce Jr., 20 November 1896

Salt Lake City, U.T. . President Woodruff Dear Brother: I have had a desire for a long time to lay a matter before you which I consider of Great Importance, and in asmuch as this life is short, and especially so, with us that are advanced in age. I now being in my eighty third year. The matter which I wish to present to you, you will find in the Book of D. & C. I dis remember the Page, where it speakes of the Lord sending one mighty and strong &c, and, near the close of this Revelation it Refers to the man that should put forth his hand to Steady the Ark of God! Should be smitten [Doctrine and Covenants 85:8] (over)

Letter from Mildred Jarrell Griffith, 20 November 1896

Mr. W. Woodruff, Dear brother in the gospel I will try to drop you a few lines to ask an interest in your faith and prayers. I know that if you will ask the Lord to bless me with a home of my own so I can raise my children right, he will anrs your prayers in my behalf my Husband has been dead over two years and I have no home of my own there fore I do not feel happy and content^ed^ as I should I reside with my parrents and they dont seem to get along with the children they are small 4 & 2 years I dont think a person could expect small children to be quiet like grown children I would love to live to my self so I coudld get the children to take an interest in the gospel Bro Woodruff please say nothing about this as my parents would not like this (over)

Letter from William Cutler, 20 November 1896

Logan Utah First Presidency Dear Brothren: Having received a letter from your office asking if it would be agree^a^ble to my feelings and consistent with my circumstances to be called on a foreign mission. I can say it would be agreeable to my feelings; as to whether it would be consistent with my circumstances you must be the judge.

Letter from Samuel George Spencer, 20 November 1896

Kansas City, Mo. . President Wilford Woodruff and Counselors, Salt Lake City, Utah. My Dear Brethren: As I appreciate and consider it a great fkindness in your granting me the favor of Nov. 17th, increased with its com- forting words, I cannot forbear to offer unto you my humble acknowledgments, with thanks. I, too, regret that I for one moment allowed myself to imagine that either my letter or the action of Elder B. H. Roberts and myself in Chicago, could influence my release. My soul was so wrapped in my missionary labors that I, for a moment, forgot that my family are in meagre circumstances and that I can be used there (perhaps) to good advantage. Kknowing my spirit, I feel sure you will pardon ^me^ for imposing upon your valuable time and patience. Elder Kelsch will be associated with me during the coming two weeks, when I expect to leave for Utah where I shall esteem it a pleasure


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Nov 20, 1896