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Day in the Life

Nov 25, 1896

Journal Entry

November 25, 1896 ~ Wednesday

25. I spent the day in the office we held a Meeting
with the board of the syndicate it was decided for Br
^[FIGURE]^ G Q Cannon to go East I wrote to Sarah


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1966 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
694 mentions


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Letter from George Geddes Lindsay Jr., 25 November 1896
Elder T L Allen Dear Sir & Brother I have received notice from President Woodruff to prepare to start to the southern states on the 14th of January 1897 to labor in the missionary feild My circumstances at the present time are in a very bad shape of having obligated myself to some extent beyond my means If the President feels disposed to send me on my mission under the circumstances I will be ready in health to start from Salt Lake City on the 14th of January But if I can possibly be released for two years I hereby pledge myself to present myself (if in good health) at the Historians Office on the 13th day of January 1899 Your Brother in the Gospel Geo Lindsay Jr


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Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Nov 25, 1896