Day in the Life

Nov 28, 1896

Journal Entry

November 28, 1896 ~ Saturday

28. I I went to the office had a Meeting with
Hatchadoor Mardirosiam A Russian Minister who
had come to Utah to study up the Mormon faith & doctrins
He belonged to a church of 30000 in Russia who
believed a good Deal as we do in Religion & ordina-
nces Except they lacked the Priesthood we received the
Men helped him to a place to stop and attend the Meeting
investigate we had several German Saints came
into spend the Evening


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Letter from Franklin Gray Tolman, 28 November 1896
President Woodruff Dear Brother I Recived your le^t^ter of the 23. I Will respond to the call that was made of me, and will be in Salt lake at the apinted time. Pleas let me know what prepration to make before starting. From your brother in the gospel, Franklin Tolman. Chas Porter Bishop
Letter from William Henry Toone Sr., 28 November 1896
First Presidencey Dear Brothern in answre to your letter I can say that i have always ben on hand to do everything you brothern want me to do and if it is your wish that i sohould take a foreign mission i am on hand but in am not much of a p[r]eacher and my ciruns circumstances is not very good but in am in your hands. can you please tell me how much money it will take me to take me their and and ishas soon has i can find the momey i am ready From your Brother in the gospell W A Toone sen see over


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Nov 28, 1896