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Day in the Life

Dec 15, 1896

Journal Entry

December 15, 1896 ~ Tuesday

^15^ [FIGURE] we had a party in the Evening of all our family in the
city with Brother & Sister Roberts & others. I went
to the Theater to see the old Folks play


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Letter from John McAffee Ritchie, 15 December 1896
Charleston President Woodruff Salt L. City Dear Bro: As I am called to go on a mission to Australia and to leave Vancouver on the 8th of January, abt what date and time will I have to leave Salt Lake City also what are the nescesseryes that I must have on leaving Please answer by return mail if possiable Your Bro in the Gospel, John M. Ritchie Jr.
Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 15 December 1896
President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Brother, Our Conference was held Sunday and Monday when we had with us Apostle F. M. Lyman and President Jonathan G. Kimball. we had a very enjoyable time in listening to the good instructions of the brethren as on other like occasions. The health of our people is good although there has been some little sickness and a few deaths recently in our midst. There was a good attendance generally of the people at our conference and nearly all the brethren of the High Council and Bishops were present. With kind regards we are Your Brethren inthe Gospel T E. Ricks
Letter from James T. White & Company Publishers, 15 December 1896
No. 2808 P. NEW YORK Hon. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir: We wrote you on the 1st inst., and have not received a re- ply. It is understood we believe that our bill for making your por- traits is now due, and we should be much obliged if you would kindly send us a draft for the amount of same by return mail. Your very truly, James T. White & Co.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Dec 15, 1896