Day in the Life

Dec 17, 1896

Journal Entry

December 17, 1896 ~ Thursday

17 I went to the Temple & done a good Deal of business

Our settlements in Mexico & their Doings we discussed
that the agents who had been there had made some bad
Mistakes in the land Business


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Letter from Brigham Fielding Duffin, 17 December 1896
Woodruff Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother in answer to yours of the 5th, inst. calling me to a mission to the Northern Stats I will say that I except the call with plesure, and will be Readdy to start on the 11th of next month, or enny time after that date. Sister Duffin joins me in love to your self and Family. we allays Remember our plesant Trip to Arizona with you. from your Brother in the Gospel of Peace Brigham F. Duffin L M Savage Bishop of Woodruff Ward.
Letter from Hermanus Bernardus Denkers, 17 December 1896
Ogden, Utah, Prest. W. Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother! Your letter of the 15th, setting the date of my departure to my field of labor as March 27th [18]97, at hand. I shall endeavor to be ready and go by that date. Your Brother H. B. Denkers Ogden, Dec 17 [18]96 I cheerfully endorse Bro H. B. Denkers for this mission he having been a faithful laborer in the ward for many years, I have always found him to be a good reliable consistant latter day saint. Thos J Stevens. Bishop 5th ward, Ogden
Letter from James Gillespie, 17 December 1896
Prest. W. Woodruff Box B Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Brother, Referring to yours of Oct. 13 indicating that $400 had been appropriated to the Bannock Stake Academy on condition that the church could make the payment. Can you now send us an order on the Bishops General Storehouse or shall we use your letter as authority for disbursing the remnant? With kind regards Your Brother in the Gospel Jas. Gillespie, Stake Tithing Clerk


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Dec 17, 1896