Day in the Life

Dec 22, 1896

Journal Entry

December 22, 1896 ~ Tuesday

22 I spent the day in the office President G Q Cannon
Arived to the office


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2291 mentions


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Letter from Charles William Stayner, 22 December 1896
Salt Lake City, Utah, Presidents Woodruff, Cahnnon and Smith. Dear Brethren:— Having secured the agency for the Graph- ophone and other talking machines, for Utah, the idea is presented to my mind that it would be very valuable to the rising generation if we could record on special cylinders the tesytimonyies of yourselves and other leading Brethren, so that with your own voices you might speak to those who have not the privilege of hearing you now in person, but who would be edified and strengthened by your testimonies in the future. Partic- ularly am I desirous of securing that of President Woodruff. How valuable his testionmony would be in years to come, is apparent when we consider that the testimony of the Prophet Joesph and those of the other Presidents of the Church who have passed away, would give us untold pleasure, if we could hear them now. They would be priceless, and the benefit to be derived from hearing their testimonies of the truth, by those who never saw these great men, would be beyond ^present^ conception. I have some excellent machoines, and would like the privilege of an interview with you, when I would bring one and you could speak into it. I would supply one copy of each record for the Hoistorian's Office, for preservation, and only ask the privilege of keeping others like them for my own use. No charge will be made for


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Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Dec 22, 1896