Day in the Life

Jan 1, 1897

Journal Entry

January 01, 1897 ~ Friday

Jan 1, 1897
I spent the day at home with my Family I had a
large Number of my family to gether

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Letter from Donald Clyde Urie, circa 1897

Family - Birthday Invitation, 1897

Letter from S. W. Yancey, 1897

Community - Draft of Notice for Wilford Woodruff's 90th Birthday Celebration, 1897

Letter from Andrew Kimball, 1 January 1897

St. John Kansas, . To the First Presidency, Salt Lake City. Dear Brethren: We have a requisition in your office for twenty Elders; six of this number are to leave Salt Lake January 7th Kindly add another six making it still twenty (20). All of whom we would be pleased to have if possible before warm weather. By this requisition we are not asking anything out of reason, nor are we crowding our field: total number will be sixty to five conferences, or an aver- age of twelve each. In transfering Texas Jan'y. 1st 1897 the Southern States withdraw six Elders. To make up this deficiency, and allow for two to make up for Elders to be released in the Spring, we are confining ourselves to actual necessity, we will need twenty (20) more as above stated. To aid in this collection I desire to make the following recommendations: Abram. T. Acord Spring City, who I believe can receive the indorsement of Apostle Lund and Prest.

Letter to Trustee for the Brigham Young College, Circa January 1897

Letter from Ephraim H. Nye, 1 January 1897

President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brother; I arrived in SanFrancisco nov. 15th and was cordially recei- ved by President Tanner; who started for home Nov. 24th. Untill then I took no active part; but proceeded to make myself as well acquanted with the situation as the circumstances would admit of, in that length of time: I found that the Elders were Grouped together, in places about as follows. Seven at SanFrancisco; five at San Diego, five at Los Angeles, four at San Jose, four at Sacramen to, two at Latorobe, and two at River-side. They were hiring their own Rooms, in each place; buying their own food, and in some instan- ces cooking it. The actual time spent among the people distribut- ing cards, and Tracts, was from three to four each day hours eah each day. It did not seem to me that this was the most profitable way to work: accordingly as soon as President Tanner bid us adeau I got the Elders together who were laboring here and discussed wi[th] them the situation, laying before them the necessity of traveling in the Lords own appointed way. With-out purse or scrip. After this I went to San Jose and aroused the Elders there on the same question; I then went to Sacramento and took up a labor the[r]e with the Elders. On my return I issued a circular letter to all the Elders, of which I here-with enclose you a copy that you may se see by what means I have reached the preasant conditions. The re- ssult was, that several of the Elders anounced themselves ready to take the field. We met together, and after prayer and supplication before the Lord, two were appointed from San Francisco, to Salinas, Monteray County; Two from San Jose, to Hollister, SanBenito Coun- ty; and two from Sacramento, to Napa City, Napa County. Opening up new fields. This was all new ground upon which the Elders had not trod. In the lower part of the State alike course was persued; the group- es have been scattered by 2's, the head-quarters have been broken up; and now, six pairs of Elders are traveling absolutely with-out purse or scrip. All the others are moveing steadily in that direct-[ion]. The reports that have reached me from those Elders that have aris- en to the true standard of Missionary life and labor, are of the most incourageing nature; they are often entertained at the best Hotels. Opera-houses, Churches, Halls, and School-houses, have been provided repetedly. News-papers have advertised their Meet- ings free. Friends have been raised up who administered to their wants and on their departure bid them wellcome to return. Many have listened to the truth that could not have been reached by the other system. The Elders declare they have not gone hungry, or needed a

Autobiography 1897 Deseret Weekly

Letter from Samuel Whitney Richards, 4 January 1897

Prest Wilford Woodruff; & Council: Salt Lake City: Dear Bretheren; Permit me to greet you again with a "Happy New Year," which I am pleased to say we are enjoying here, and I am pleased to hand you herewith Report of our doings in the Eastern States Mission during the past year; both of Church and Financial affairs. The Elders in this Mission are generally well in health, and are enjoying their labors in the Ministry. Many friends are being made: places are being a pencil for holding meetings in doors more abundantly than heretofore, and numbers of persons are expressing themselves quite satisfied with the Gospel requirements. It is reported to me that quite a number of persons would commence a new life with this "New Year" day by being Baptized. During the past year much time has been employed visiting among the people, distributing tracts, and thereby much prej- udice has been removed, and the first thereof is now ripening.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

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Jan ^^ Sondries at Tithig Office 16

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Letter from Oliver Allen Penrod, circa 1897


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Jan 1, 1897