Day in the Life

May 14, 1897

Journal Entry

May 14, 1897 ~ Friday

May 14th I had some good sound sleep & felt much better this
morning. after breakfast walked out & went to the office & stayed
there until 430 pm. Walked out and looked at the Tinners putting on
new roof on part of old house. ate a hearty supper, and had a good
sleep on the sopha. sat up & conversed with Emma & Owen until
10 oclock, & went to bed


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1038 mentions


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Letter from George Drury Morrill, 14 May 1897
President W. Woodruff. Dear Brother: Your letter notifying me of the call to go as a missionary to the Southern States has found me away from home, having been forwarded from Teasdale. While I do not feel myself as well qualified as I could wish, nor so well prepared financial- ly as I should be, yet I am willing to do my best to fill the appoint- ment and trust that the way may be opened for me to be in Salt Lake on the 18th of August next as you suggest. Your Brother in the Gospel George D Morrill George Coleman Bp.
Letter from Joseph Nicholes, 14 May 1897
Willford Woodruff Dear Brother I received your letter of ^april^ the 17th stateing that my name had been suggested as a missionary for the southern states; to leave here in November. I am willing to go then, if I can get means enough to pay my debts and take me there. I will strive hard to prepare my self by then. Your Brother Joseph Nicholes W D Robinson Bishop


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Publication of Conference Report begins (replaced by Ensign Conference issue starting in 1965).

May 14, 1897