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Day in the Life

May 16, 1897

Journal Entry

May 16, 1897 ~ Sunday

Sunday May 16/[18]97. I rested & slept well most of the night, at 8 oclok
dressed & ate breakfast, after which I laid down & rested. Bro James
just returned from Great Britain as a missionary called. He had married
a young widow just before starting home. they wanted to go through the Temple
to be sealed. I told him to see me at the office tomorrow. Bro Cutler & wife
& Bro Weiler & wife called & spent the evening with us. I am feeling
tolerable well. on going to bed I slept before midnight.


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Holley, James
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Letter from William Brooks Hall, 16 May 1897
Presedent Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Answering your favor of the 10th last Calling the undersigned to fill a mission to the Southern States Would beg to state that I cheerfulley accept the same and feel honored in beeing selected to perform so great a Labor and with the help of the Lord, desire to use my best endevors to this end. and expect to be ready to start on July 22nd 1897 the date named in your call. Your Brother in the gospel William. B. Hall.
Letter from James Stanley Dee, 16 May 1897
Ogden Wiflord Woodruff Esq Dear Brother, on april 1st I received a letter from your office calling me to a mission to Great Britain, for which you must excuse me for not answering before. I have been trying to arrange my affairs so as to comply with said call. But I find it is impossible for me to go at the present time. I have a Wife and three children to support and am earning but a small salary. I have no home of my own, and no one with whome I could leave my family with, at present I have no money to take
Letter from Alma Martin Iverson, 16 May 1897
Brigham City, The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. Dear Breathern In answer to your letter asking if it would be agreeable to my feelings and con- sistent with my circumstances to take a missions I will say first, I am perfectly satisfied and feel it a call of duty


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Publication of Conference Report begins (replaced by Ensign Conference issue starting in 1965).

May 16, 1897