Day in the Life

Jun 6, 1897

Journal Entry

June 06, 1897 ~ Sunday

Sunday June 6th I slept & rested very well until 10 a.m.
When I arose, ate breakfast and sat on the porch with Emma
took a walk. James Sharp called this afternoon. After dinner
I walked out again, took a bath & went to bed & slept well.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1029 mentions
Sharp, James
18 Nov 1843 - 7 May 1904

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Letter from Joseph Grey Utley Maughan, 6 June 1897

Oakley . Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Bro. Yours of May 19 rec. In reply will say that I am willing to go & do the best I can. I have been teaching school at Oakley last winter & had my recommend sent in Jan. I was called from Riverdale. But I feel it my duty to go and do the best I can. What date should I be in Salt Lake? Please advise me in thise matter. Hoping this will meet your approval. I am your Bro In the Gospel, Jos. G Maughan John L Smith Bp [sideways text] Called to the Sandwich Islands to leave Vancouver 8 July [end of sideways text]

Letter from Joseph Later, 6 June 1897

P. O. Harrisville State Utah Pres Wilford Woodruff Of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Sants Salt Lake City Beloved Brother Refeering to your favor of may 27th 1897 wherein it is stated that mayy name had been suggested and accepted as a missonary to the Southern States ^to^ leave Salt Lake City at as early a date as Augest 19th 1897 Will say that if no unforeseen condition prevents, I will be at the Historians Office to be set apart on the day previous to that appointed for my departue. Yours Fraternally Jos. Later. Levi J. Taylor Bishop

Letter from Franklin Griffin Robinson, 6 June 1897

Richmond Brother Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother I wrote a letter some time ago whick was mailed in mistake with out having my bishop indorsing it, therefore having been wating for an answer whick I have not received I will write you again, stating that I will be at liberty to fulfill a mission as has been asked of me at any time after October the first. In regard some instructions you would do me a favor by letting me know as how I am dto dress for a mission to Europe also about what the expence will be and what books will be needed. From your Truely, Frank Robinson Jr Wm L Skidmore Bp

Letter from George Elliott, 6 June 1897

[end of sideways text] Provo City June 6 1897 President Woodruff Dear Bro owing to being down cast in Spirit I take this oppertunity of asking a word of advice and somthing to comfort me for I feel to give heed to the Scriptures to seek advice from the Prophets of God, a year ago last march I was called on a mission allthough I had lost my home by singing notes for others and was in rather poor circumstances to go on a mission I excepted it puting my trust in the Lord I had a my lime Kiln and bussemess seemed to be favorable for me to get means to go with but from the time I excepted it from Bro Teasdale allmost imeaditly everything went against me I still continued to struggle untill the 5 day of sept 1896 when loading my wagon with lime I fel from the wagon dislocating my ankle and Breaking some of the bones in my leg on the 26 of agust my son a 9 year old boy came to me about daylight in the morning telling me apersonage

Letter from LeRay Decker, 6 June 1897

Ogden, Utah, . President Wilford Woodruff: Dear Brother: In answer to your letter of inquiry, as to my taking a mission, I am pleased to say that my circumstances are such as to permit me to be able to respond I will be ready to go about August 1st July 31st. In regard to language I speak no other except English. Your Brother, Ray Decker. I take pleasure in endorsing Brother Decker Thos J Stevens, Bishop 5th Ward, Ogden Bro. Stevens would like this young man sent to England All right, if you have room for him there. J. F. S.


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Jun 6, 1897