Day in the Life

Jun 8, 1897

Journal Entry

June 08, 1897 ~ Tuesday

June 8th I slept comfortably until 7 a.m. After breakfast, I went
to the office, attended to business & returned in theat 4:30 pm. I
ate a hearty supper. Bro Wm McEwan called and asked my consent
to take my daughter Alice to wife, which I gave with my blessing.
Took a walk called in at the old house now being fitted up for Owen's
home. Went to bed early, did not sleep very well before midnight.


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jul 1904
633 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Mary Alice McEwan
2 Jan 1879 - 14 Jan 1916
214 mentions
McEwan, William
16 Nov 1871 - 24 Jan 1945
63 mentions


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Letter from George A. Poulter, 8 June 1897

Ogden President Woodruff: Dear Brother: I received your letter a short time ago informing me that I had been appointed to labor in the California Mission which I except and will be ready to leave on the 24th of the present month. Your brother in the Gospel Geo. A. Poulter I cheerfully endorse Bro Poulter for this mission Bishop Thos J Stevens 5th Ward, Ogden

Letter from John Henry Bowen Davis, 8 June 1897

Logan, Utah, "2nd Ward" Pres'dt Willford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dr Brother, In answer to your favor of the 3rd Inst, in relation to a mission to the Eastern States, I will say, that I will make every effort to be ready when wanted (July 7th next). Thanking You, and the Brethren, for thus being honored with this Call. I remain respectfully Your Bro— John H. Davis. Henry Ballard Bishop

Letter from Rudolph Larson, 8 June 1897

Smithfield, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro. I have received your communication in which I was called as a missionary to Scandinavia, to leave Salt Lake July 10. In answer I will say that I shall make arrangements to be ready to leave Salt Lake at that date. Yours truly Rudolph Larson. Smithfield, Cache Co. Utah. Bro Rudolph Larson is a good young Man, and I believe will Make a good efficient & faithful Missionary. Respectfully your Brother Geo L. Farrell Bishop.

Letter from Walter Eugene Heller, 8 June 1897

Ogden Utah . Pres. Woodruff Salt Lake city Dear Brother In reply to my call to the eastern states to fullfill a mission to preach the Gospel, I will except it with pleasure. Will be ready to leave on the 16th of October 1897. Your Brother W. E. Heller.

Telegram to Uriah Treharne Jones, 8 June 1897

To U. T. Jones Cedar Yes, We consent to Branch Normal School having use of the eight thousand feet lumber on hand in your Tithing Office for one year, at expiration of which time lumber to be returned or paid for in cash. Branch Normal School to be responsible. First Presidency

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 8 June 1897

President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother, Our Quarterly Conference will be held Sunday and Monday 13 & 14th at Wilford. Our Primary and Relief Society Conferences will also be held at same place Saturday 12th. We will be pleased to have any of the brethren you send, visit us. By the brethren leaving Friday night they would get to Market Lake Saturday morning and reach Wilford that afternoon. The Anaconda Montana mission Conference will be held in Anaconda; June 19 & 20 and the people in that part of the country ^are anxious^ to see and hear an apostle. If possible we would like to see some of them or if not some leading elder or elders. We would also like to know at as

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 8 June 1897

Rexburg, Idaho, President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother, Our Quarterly Conference will be held Sunday and Monday 13 & 14th at Wilford. Our Primary and Relief Society Conferences will also be held at same place Saturday 12th. We will be pleased to have any of the brethren you said, visit us. By the brethren leaving Friday night they would get to Market Lake Saturday morning and reach Wilford that afternoon. The Anaconda Montana mission Conference will be held in Anaconda June 19 & 20 and the people in that part of the country ^are anxious^ to see and hear an apostle. If possible we would like to see some of them or if not some leading elder or elders. We would also like to know at as


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Jun 8, 1897