Day in the Life

Jul 2, 1897

Journal Entry

July 02, 1897 ~ Friday

July 2nd Went to the office for a short time this morning & after lunch
returned home


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Letter from Perry Green Sessions, 2 July 1897
Woodruff President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother. I have rec'd your letter of July 1st. And I accept the call which has been made of me. and I will be there on the date named in your letter, and will be prepared to start on my mission. Your Brother Perry G. Sessions. John. M. Baxter Bp Woodruff Utah
Letter from James William Seamons, 2 July 1897
Wilford Woodruff. Hyde Park. . Dear Sir: Salt Lake City. Yours of the 30th receieved and considered; I shall endeavor to be on hand at the date named July 29th Yours Truly. J. W. Seamons. Hyde Park, Utah, July 2nd. 18[97] Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Deat Bro: It is with pleasure that I indorse the call of Bro. J. W. Seamons, for a mission to the Northern States, as he is an excelent young man. His money is somewhat limited, but he will be able with a little help, which he can get, to fill the mission to the States. Very Truly Yours. Chas. G. Hyde, Bishop.
Letter from John W. Waite, 2 July 1897
Dayton Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. In repliy of yours of the 29 June I will say if the Lord will permit I will be there on the day appointed Your Brother John W Waite President Woodruff Dear Brother. I can recomend very highly our Brother John W. Waite as a missionary I am satisfied he will be a faithful missionary your Bro. Bp. P. W. Austin


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Jul 2, 1897