Day in the Life

Jul 10, 1897

Journal Entry

July 10, 1897 ~ Saturday

July 10th I had a good nights rest and feel better this morning. I ate some
bread & milk, & Bro Nuttall shaved me. I felt like going to the office, but Dr Snow
felt that I had better not do so until I gain more strength.


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Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
Snow, Leslie Woodruff
6 Feb 1862 - 28 Nov 1935
181 mentions


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Letter from John H. Heap, 10 July 1897
St. Johns Wilfolrd Woodruff Dear Brother I take Pleasure in notifying you that I would like to go on my mission this coming Fall when the other Elders go. Please let me know at as Ealrly A date as conveinant as I intend to leave home next month to Be gon 4 or 5 months if I am not called But if I am I hope I wil Be ready this time Respectfully, John H. Heap Notify Ind. Ter. Mis 23 Oct
Letter from James A. Lewis, 10 July 1897
President Wilford Woodruff Dear sir I recieved your Note of the first, in replie will say if it is the wishes ^will^ of the Lord for me to go to the Southern states on a mishon I want to go and I will ^try and^ make aranrangements to meat your call altho I am financely imbarised very mutch Your Brother in the Gospel James A. Lewis Alanson Norton Bishop
Letter from Joseph Hughes, 10 July 1897
Pres. Wilford Woodruff: Dear Brother; Replying to your favor of the 6th inst. regarding my mission, will say; that I shall be prepared to leave City on Aug 19 as per your letter. I feel honored in being called as a deciple of truth and I hope that the holy spirit attend me in my labors. With God's aid and guidance I will do all I can to fulfill an honor- able mission. May the mighty work of the Lord continue is the prayer of your humble servant Joseph Hughes. George D. Snell Bishop


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Jul 10, 1897