Day in the Life

Jul 23, 1897

Journal Entry

July 23, 1897 ~ Friday

July 23rd I did not sleep very well until 4 am. Stayed at home all day and rested.

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Letter from George Herbert Monson, 23 July 1897
Basalt Idaho. July 23, [18]97, Dear Presidency, Salt Lake City Dear Brothers, Yours at hand July 9th. And in return I will state my feelings in reg-ard's to the call. I'm willing to go and try to perform a mission if it lays in my power to do so, But I am very igorant in the principles of the gospel but by the help of God I may fulfill my calling. I will try and be ready to go this fall, our money is limmitted
Letter from Thomas B. Lee, 23 July 1897
Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, I write you in reply to a letter of inquiring that I would be ready by October, but if it is possible I would like to have my time extended to about Nov. 11th, For the reason that I will be better prepared to go, I heartily accept the Indian Territory mission. Hoping that this will be in accordance with your feelings. I remain your servant Thomas B. Lee.


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Jul 23, 1897