Day in the Life

Jul 30, 1897

Journal Entry

July 30, 1897 ~ Friday

July 30th Spent a fairly good night, had some rain this afternoon. at
home, drove out for a short time this afternoon. Bro. Nuttall brought 2 deeds for
me to sign as Trustee-in-Trust, one to Mendon City corporation, & one to Mendon
School Trustees, which I signed and acknowledged before Bro Nuttall as a Notary Public
He staid with me all night.


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Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
414 mentions


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Letter from Francis Abiah Wadsworth, 30 July 1897
Taylor Idaho Via Shelley Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: yours of the 20th is at hand I will say in reply if it is your desire for me to go to Indian Teritory I am willing to go and do the best I can. there is a thing I would like to ask you in regards to how much money it will take for my fare and nessesary clothing and books. please Write at once. Yours Trully, F. A. Wadsworth. Wm. Priest Bishop [sideways text] Goes 11 Nov [end of sideways text]
Letter from Frank M. Fuhriman, 30 July 1897
President Woodruff Dear Brother I recived a letter from the first Presidency asking me if it would be agreeable to my feelings to go an a mission. My feelings ar to respond tho the call and tdo the best I can. I am borne of German parents and can under-stand and partely speak the language. I can be ready by fall, aif desired. from your Brother Frank W Fuhriman
Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks and Others, 30 July 1897
President W. Woodruff Box B Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother, For some time past we have been trying to discover some good method to adapt in this stake to bring our people closer together. We have felt that politics have scattered them in such a manner as to bring much injury to many of those who should be more closely commited with all our church organizations and in watching our local newspapers we see them filled from week to week with nothing but political quarrels. Our people are great readers of the local papers and we are of the opinion that if a local paper were started here under the direction of the Presidency


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Jul 30, 1897