Day in the Life

Aug 12, 1897

Journal Entry

August 12, 1897 ~ Thursday

August 12th I had a very good night. Went to the office this morning and attended
my meeting at the temple, & wrote to M[adam] M. The trial of Moses Thatcher before the High
Council of the Salt Lake Stake of Zion was concluded this morning and the Presidency of the
Stake expect to give their decision at 10 am tomorrow. He appears to have been penitent and
acknowledged his faults &c. I went home at 330 pm.


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Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 12 August 1897
President Wilford Woodruff and Counselors Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Brethren, Replying to your favor of 3rd inst. We give you as follows a list of the Tithing Properties, with fair cash evaluation thereof, in our stake at this date: Burton 1 Lot $2000 Hiatt 1 [Lot], 13 x 13 rods $2000 Lyman 1 Granary; On Bishops land, to be deeded to church when Bishop proves titles and homestead $10000 Maryvale 1 Granary; On Bishop's land $20000 Parker 1 Lot $2000 1 Granary $15000 Rexburg 1 [Lot] 20 x 20 rods $30000 Three room Office 80000 1 Granary Barn and Stable combined 60000 and 1 Granary $150-$16000 Salem 1 Lot 16 x 16 rods 7500 1 Office $80000


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Aug 12, 1897