Day in the Life

Aug 14, 1897

Journal Entry

August 14, 1897 ~ Saturday

Aug 14th About 2 oclock this morning I sat up and dictated a letter to Bro Nuttall which
he wrote to be sent to the King & Queen of Sweden to accompany a beatiful box make of
Utah Onyx & gotten up by the Scandinavian Brethren of Salt Lake as a present to the
King & Queen on the 25 anniversary of their coronation. The box was shown to us yesterday
afternoon ^also a beautiful bound copy of the Book of Mormon^ and Bro J. M. Schodahl will accompany it. I spent a good night
slept very well. By request Bro David McKenzie wrote the letter to the King & Queen
& Bro Nuttall brought it to me so that I signed it & he took and deposited the same
in the box as Bro Schodahl leaves this city this evening.


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Letter from Isaac Higbee Rogers, 14 August 1897
Lehi Arizona . Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro. I accept the mission and feel it an honor. I will make arrangements to be there on the appointed time. Your Brother in the Gospel Isaac Rogers. Soren C. Sorensen. Bishop.
Letter from Thomas Wiley Jones, 14 August 1897
Lehi Presedent Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of 7th Instant at Hand In Answer to yours conserning a Mission to the Southern States I will say I am please of being worthey to be called to Labor in the Intrest of the Kingdom of God while I am young but I feel am verey weak of myself but by the aid of the Spirit of the Lord I will do what I can and I say here that I will be Ready the time mentioned unless some thing turn up that I do not look for
Letter to Oscar II of Sweden and Norway and Sofia of Nassau, 14 August 1897
Salt Lake City, Utah, To your Majesties the King and Queen of Sweden. I have been informed that your Majesties have been very kind to those of your Majesties' subjects who have felt disposed to embrace the fulness of the ever- lasting Gospel, popularly called Mormonism, some of whom have emigrated to Utah. These have united to prepare a small token of respect to your Majesties, a box made of Utah Onyx, containing the Book of Mormon, which will be presented to you by one of their number Elder J. M. Sjodahl, and which I hope and trust you will receive from them as an evidence of the respect and love which they bear toward your Majesties. As a prophet, seer and revelator, and president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I bless you both with all blessings which I have power to bestow upon my fellow men, that in the morning of the resurrection you may receive joy and rejoicing at the hands of the Creator, for the many good deeds bestowed upon these your Majesties' subjects. Your humble servant, Wilford Woodruff


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Aug 14, 1897