Day in the Life

Aug 18, 1897

Journal Entry

August 18, 1897 ~ Wednesday

Aug 18th As I did not rest well last night I did not go to the
office to day, preferring to rest and be at home whilst Alice is so sick
I recd a letter from M[adam] M. Everybody doing all they can for Alice.


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Letter from Heber Lehi Naegle Sr., 18 August 1897

Toquerville Presidint Wilford Wiloodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Yours of Aug 13th came safe to hand, and will state that it is quite agreeable to my feelings, and with the help of the Lord, will be ready if all goes well with me in my calqulations, at any time after May 1898. With best Wishes and kindest regards, & ever praying the Lord to prolong your life, to continue his blessings unto you I am as ever your loving Brother in the cause of truth. Heber L. Naegle. Wm A Bringhurst Bishop

Letter from Robert Wiley Simkins, 18 August 1897

Wilford Woodruff Presedant of the Church of Jesus Christ of Laterday Saints Dear Brother Haveing been selected for a missonary to the Southern States I accept With the help of God & the prayers of the faithfull I hope to be able to do some good in the advancement of the cause From your Bro in the Gospell Robert Wiley Simkins Soren C. Sorenson. Bishop

Letter from Hyrum Maughan, 18 August 1897

Wed., Willford Woodruff Dear broather yours of the 17th is at hand contents noted I will say that with the help of the Lord I will be on hand at the appoint- ed time. your bBrother in the Gospel Hyrum Maughan John H. Clarke Bp

Letter from William Lucius McAlister, 18 August 1897

LOGAN, UTAH, President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City; Utah. Dear Brother, No doubt you have received my answer to your letter of 13th inst, by now, without our bishop having indrosed it; and I hope you will pardon me for being so forgetful. As you know by now; I am well satified with the call to the Eastern States to preach the Gospel. I will have all arrangements made to leave Salt Lake City September 18th, 1897. Your brother in the Gospel, Will L. McAlister. P.S. I did not want to put you to so much trouble in having you sent my other letter back and that is why I have written this letter. Bro Woodruff I heartily endorse this young man, & feel that he will do honor to the cause of truth. B M. Lewis Bp. Logan 1st wd


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Aug 18, 1897