Day in the Life

Sep 20, 1897

Journal Entry

September 20, 1897 ~ Monday

Mon Sept 20th Arose early had good breakfast took a cab at 9 a.m & drove
to the Steamer "Columbia," and started for Portland at 10:30 am foggy. as
soon as we got outside the Golden Gate, the wind blew cold and continued
all day. We had a good berth to ourselves. ate our lunch and supper
I went to bed at 830 and slept very well.


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Letter from James Richard Thomas, 20 September 1897
Paradise Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake Utah Dear Brother In answare to your call for me to go on a mission to the Southern state in Feb; 1898 I will be ready and for you to name the date which I am to start: Your Brother Jas R. Thomas Samuel Oldham Bishop.
Letter from Joseph Udall, 20 September 1897
Springerville, Ariz, To the First Presidency, Church J. C. L.D.S. Salt Lake City, Utah, Dear Brethern, In reply to yours of July 31st will say that I will accept the call made of me & feel proud & thankful that I am considered worthy to be called to be a messinger of the Gospel to the world. I will be ready to start at the time you may appoint in January next. Your brother Joseph Udall I fully endorse Dear Bro Joseph Udall as a man every way worthey to take the precious Gospel message to the Nations and may God Bless
Letter from Hyrum Arthur Green, 20 September 1897
Garden City The first Presidency, Dear Brethren I am pleased to state that my neighbor & I have settled our difficulty satisfactory to me & for all that I know of now I can be ready to start on my mission any time after the 25th of December (Christmas). Your Brother in the gospel H A Green Garden City Rich Co Utah Notify I. Ter 6 Jan [18]98


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Sep 20, 1897