Day in the Life

Sep 22, 1897

Journal Entry

September 22, 1897 ~ Wednesday

Wednesday Sept 22nd spent a good night, arose at 5 am just after crossing the bar.
Arrived at "Astoria" at 6 p.m. The business part of this place is built on piles out from
the shore. Several Hotels 3 stories high built on piles. The residence part is on the land.
Freight was unloaded here until 815 am. then sailed up the Columbia River, passing
small fishing towns, nets, saw mills, log shutes, forrests of timber ion both sides coming
down to the rivers edge. A railroad is being built on the south side of the river
from Astoria to Portland. The scenery is grand. Entered the Williamette River
at 2 pm. and sail 12 miles to Portland, arrived at 3 pm. We had 150 passengers
distance from bar to astoria 20 miles from astoria to Portland 100 miles from
San Francisco 654 miles. After getting settled at "Hotel Belvedere," we wrote home,
also sent telegram to Pres Geo Q Cannon. We took a walk and finding it was somewhat
expensive to go to Tacoma & Seattle, and as I felt desirous to be at home, to get ready
for our October Conference I concluded to start for home tomorrow evening.


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2282 mentions

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Letter from Mrs. T. A. McCammon, 22 September 1897
Denver Colo . To The Elders of the Mormon Church. Salt Lake, Utah. In order to settle up a very valuable estate it is necessary to prove the death of one Pinkney Sublette, and old french trapper who went into Utah, Montana & Wyoming in 46, and who was supposed to have died some where there about 64 or 65. I was told today, by an old man who was with him until 54, that I could probably find some one who knew him, among the older members of your chu[r]ch, as they had frequent dealings with your people. Will you kindly hand this letter to any one who would be likely to know and remember him and ask them to write me. Will be willing to pay for any definite information. Want to get the exact date of his death. If you will give this consideration you will confer a highly appreciated favor. Yours Very Truly. Mrs T. A. McCammon King Block. Denver. Colo.
Letter from Louie D. Myers, 22 September 1897
Hon Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. My dear Sir, I am writing to ask a few questions about the Mormon Church, I spent six months in your City last year and


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Sep 22, 1897