Day in the Life

Sep 25, 1897

Journal Entry

September 25, 1897 ~ Saturday

Sat. Sept 25th Selpt [slept] well the past night. Arrived at Ogden at 7:25 am
as our car continues on East we were attached to the R. G. Western
train and arrived at Salt Lake City at 8:45 am, took a carriage
and drove to the Office. Bro McHenry had a carriage at the Ogden Short
Line depot for us. We met Prest Geo Q Cannon at the office who was

pleased to greet us. he also had some papers which needed my
signature. This I attended to, after which Bro. Andrew Smith went
down home with me. found all well.


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2282 mentions


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Letter from Francis Adelbert Venoy Gay, 25 September 1897

Frisco Mr. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro. Having receieved your statement as to the states which I am called to take a mission I am well pleased as I have relatives in that part. I will be ready at the time appointed to leave. Being absent at the time your letter came here I haven't answered until now. I should have been better pleased if I could attended school another year before leaving. Yours Resp Adelbert Gay

Letter from Axel Diderichsen Or Olsen, 25 September 1897

Salt Lake City Sept 25th [18]97. President W. Woodruff Dear Brother Your letter of the 21st inst at hand, and in reply will say, that I accept the calling to go on mission to Scandinavia, and it shall be my humble and greatest disire to seek unto the Lord for his Guidence, so that I may ^be^ able to fill same honerabley, and acceptable both to the Lord and my

Letter from Johnathan Socwell Page Jr., 25 September 1897

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother, Elder John J. Taylor and Wife Pamelia D. Taylor of this place intend visiting their relatives in North Carolina, and spend about three months with them. If it is considered right Brother and sister Taylor would like to bgo as Missionaries by appointinent to their friends And also to secure mission- ary rates over the rail roads. They would like to leave home near the last of October, if a com- pany were going neatr that

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 25 September 1897

President W. Woodruff Box B Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Brother, We beg to render the following report of the Montana Mission. There are at present twelve missionaries in the field who went there at various times since the opening of the mission; they are laboring in the following counties: Beaverhead Silver Bow, Dear Lodge, Jefferson and Madison. Sixteen new members have been baptized and many old ones re-baptized. In our last statistical report Anaconda Branch—where Elder A. Short presides—was represented by 78 souls and Lima, Presiding Elder Wm F Hopkins 92 souls. Each of these branches probably now have over 100. Lima has a meeting house free of debt and the saints of Anaconda rent this place


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Sep 25, 1897