Day in the Life

Sep 27, 1897

Journal Entry

September 27, 1897 ~ Monday

Mon Sept 27th I did not sleep very well during the night. Owens wife Helen
was quite unwell with chills & fever, and kept the family busy much of the time.
Bro Heber J. Grant is also at Owens very sick. The Doctor sounded his lungs
and pronounce him a very sick man, much worse than he thinks of himself. I
spent most of the day at thee office


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Grant, Heber Jeddy
22 Nov 1856 - 14 May 1945
276 mentions
Snow, Leslie Woodruff
6 Feb 1862 - 28 Nov 1935
181 mentions


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Letter from Enos Austin Neeley, 27 September 1897

Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother I received your letter stating that I was called for a mission to the Northern States. it is quite agreeable with my feelings. I will be at Salt Lake Citly on the desiered

Letter from John Alma Workman Jr., 27 September 1897

Willford Woodruff dear Brother isit down to writ you i am ready and willing to go on my mission now my Wife is better i think she will be well now. i will try to be thare any time you may say, in as much as the Lord has seen fit to call me on a mission it is my desire to go and do the best i can i remain your brother in the Gospil John A Workman

Letter from Oscar Groshell, 27 September 1897

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. 189[7] First Presdidency, City, Gentlemen: I am in receipt of your favor regarding Lon Hyde Jr: and beg to thank you for your courtesy in replying. I have asked Mr Hyde, Sr: to return the worthless order which I cashed and which bears Lons endorsement. There is no explanation that can change the fact that I simply cashed a worthless check endporsed by Lon Hyde, Jr: and which he guaranteed payment of to me. I am simply following out the rule of all business men to call on the endorser to make the paymenyt of the check good. Yours Truly, Oscar Groshell I might add that no explanation has been made me and when 0I get the order back from Hyde Senior, it will show for itself. OSCAR GROSHELL, Agent. Per

Letter from Canute Peterson, Henry Beal and John Bray Maiben to the First Presidency, 27 September 1897

[end of sideways text] Ephraim, Sanpete Co, Utah. September 27th 1897. Presidents Wilford Woodruff, George Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith. Dear Brethren: We are deeply impressed with the necessity and desirability of erecting a building in Ephraim for our Sanpete Stake Academy, fitting for the purpose, we are using by favor, a School House built by the North Ward, which although a great improvement upon our former location, is altogether inadequate to our present and future needs. We have had this matter in consideration for some time past and have conversed freely with the Bishops, and leading brethren, with a view of ascertaining their feelings upon the subject, and we have the assurance that the funds necessary for its erection can be raised by the Voluntary Contributions of the Saints, more particularly from brethren who have surplus means, we also believe we can secure an eligible and suitable site on favorable terms; however, we do not wish to take any action in the matter, without your full sanction and approval. On account of the favorable conditions that we obtain, in added value to our Stock, Sheep, Wool


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Sep 27, 1897