Day in the Life

Oct 1, 1897

Journal Entry

October 01, 1897 ~ Friday

Fri SeptOct 1st I had a good night & feel well. At the office. I attended a
meeting with the Executive committee of Z S B & T Co at 11 am. Went home
at 4 pm.


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Browse other documents with this same date. These could include pages from Wilford Woodruff's autobiographies, daybooks, letters, histories, and personal papers. Click on the document titles to view the full document.

Letter from Zacharius Ward Israelsen, 1 October 1897

Hyrum President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of Sept. 27th is received and carefully noted. If nothing unseen should prevent I will be there ready to leave December 4th Your Brother in the Gospel Z. W. Israelsen J F Wright Bp

Letter from Charles William Penrose, 1 October 1897

Historian's Office, . To The First Presidency And Apostles. Dear Brethren: In response to your request that I should prepare a series of tracts for missionary purposes, as suggested by the brethren in charge of the British Mission, I have written twelve tracts which I believe will meet the neccessities of the times in that particular. After entering upon the work I thought it better to continue and complete the series uniformly, than to cull from other pamphlets or to mix in other tracts. This set will make a series of twelve tracts of four pages each, and will introduce the First Principles of the Gospel, the Apostacy, the Restoration, the Authority of the Priesthood, the Book of Mormon, Baptism for the Dead, the Establishment of Zion, the Work pPerformed by the Saints in Utah, etc., in consec^u^tive order, one tract leading up to those succeeding. I believe they will be found suitable for distribution in any of the Missions. I hold them at your disposal, and if you see fo^i^t to refer them to any person or committee for review, I shall be pleased to submit them^,^ and assist in their inspection if you so desire. Very respectfully yours, C. W. Penrose

Letter from James E. Steele, 1 September 1897

President Wifford Woodruff Salt Lake City Ut My Dear Bro Our quarterly Conference will be held at Eagle Rock ward Sept. 12th and 13th—Sunday and Monday—The R Socity on Saturday the 11th. We will be very pleased indeed if some of the brethren can be with us. And especially is this ^the one^ as we have a bBishop to be ordained, brother Geo [Nasir] of Grays Lake is the one, he could not get out on account of deep snow in Dec. And at our March Conference, could not come. but in June we did not have any of the Apostles with us. he will be down to attend this Conference and we will be pleased if it can—as he lives about 70 miles up in the Montains We have returned to day from holding a two days Conference with those people, we find them feeling well, especialy the women. Your Bro in the Gospel Jas. E. Steele

Education - Board of Education certificate for Emily A. Jones, 1 October 1897

the Board at Salt Lake City, Utah, this first day of October 1897. In behalf of the Board of Education, Wilford Woodruff President. Geo. Reynolds Secretary. Dr. Karl G. Maeser Chairman, and in behalf of Board of Examiners. Bear Lake S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Recepts from Church 50 [Oct 1] Recevd from valley House 75

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash $25 girl $6 30


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Oct 1, 1897