Day in the Life

Oct 29, 1897

Journal Entry

October 29, 1897 ~ Friday

Fri Oct 29th I did not sleep very well last night. re[ceive]d tel[egram] & letter from M at the
^office and^ answered it. Prest Geo. Q. Cannon went to Manti this morning.
Went home at 3 pm.


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2285 mentions


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Letter from Charles Comstock Richards Jr., 29 October 1897
President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Brother: I recieved your letter of the 19th inst., informing me that I had been selected as a missionary to Switzerland and Germany, requ- esting me to arrange to start for my field of labor not later than next April, and to advise you what my feelings are in regard to the call. In reply I must say that I esteem it an honor to be chosen to carry the Gospel to the nations of the earth, and by the help of the Lord will be ready to leave


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Oct 29, 1897