Day in the Life

Nov 1, 1897

Journal Entry

November 01, 1897 ~ Monday

Monday Nov 1st Went to the office re[ceive]d letter from M & answered it. busy at

at my desk.


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Letter from Anonymous, circa November 1897

Letter from James Crooks Thomson, 1 November 1897

Pres't Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I am willing to respond to the call and will try to have my affairs arranged so that I can leave in March in regard to my feelings I accept the call chearfuly as I have been always willing to respond to any call that has been required at my hands ps I have been away from home after flour and this is the first opportunity l I have had to answer your letter I remain your brother in the Gospel of Jesus Christ James Crooks Thomson Bp. D. A. Johnson

Letter from Alva Leroy Scoville, 1 November 1897

Ogden, Utah, The First Presidency, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: I accept your call for me to leave on a mission to Switzerland and Germany about April next, and to the best of my ability will abide by the instructions given. I feel to consign myself to the work of God in humility with an earnest desire to bring others to an understanding of the true and everlasting Gospel. Your Brother, Alva L. Scoville. I take great pleasure in endorsing this letter of aceptance. Bro Scovill has a good record in the Sunday School, Mutual Improvement Association and Lesser Priesthood and a very examplary young man. May God bless him. Your brother in the Gospel Robert McQuarrie Bishop 2nd Ward Ogden

Letter from George Day, 1 November 1897

Oakley, Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Dear Brother, Yours of May 12th [18]97 at hand. I have posponed answering your letter, that I may be definite If nothing of a serious nature happens I will be there prepared to start, Dec. 16th 1897 as to your date Your Brother in the Gospel Geo. Day John L Smith Bp

Letter from Gottfried Eschler, 1 November 1897

Thomas Fork Bear Lake Co Idaho Nov 1st 1897 President Wilford Woodruff Box B. Salt Lake City Utah. Dier Brother— After due consideration and consultation with my Bishop (and his Counselers) whom I will ask to sign this Letter with me, I take pleasure now to say, that I can be ready now on about two weeks notice to go on my Mission in answer and obideence to the Call which I inclose. The reason that I have not answered in this way befor now, has been some debts, or large Familie and hard times to raise money. I have lately proofed up on my Homestead sold nearly all my Stock and paid nearly all my debts. My Familie which consists

Letter from Anthony Woodward Ivins, 1 November 1897

Colonia Juarez. . President Wilford Woodruff & Counsellors. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren:— I write to call your at- tention to the fact that our stake quarterly conference convenes at Colonia Diaz on the 20th and 21st. We verNy much appreciate the visits occasionally made by the members of the quorum of Apostles and should be very pleased to have some of them with us at our coming meetings. If possible we would love to have President Cannon or Smith come down and see us at home but if this is not possible any of the members of the quorum, perhaps Bro. Woodruff, Owen, could come or if all have other engagements we will go on as we have heretofore and know from experiance that we shall have the blessing obf the Lord with us even if we are alone. In case any of the Brethren come they should leave Salt Lake in the morning over the D.&.R.G.W. to Grand Jun- ction from from there to Pueblo over the D.&.R.G. and from there to El Paso over the A.T.&.S.F. By following this programme they will reach El Paso without delays in a 12 1/2 days from Salt Lake. Arrange to reach El Paso so that they can cross the river and take the SRio Grande Sirerra Madre train at 8 A.M. on Monday, Wednesday or Friday. The train only runs three times a week. The Pierson is the best hotel to stay at in El Paso and they will want to pass the night there as there are no good accommodations on the Mexican side. With best wishes and prayers for your welfare, I am your brother in Christ, Anthony W. Ivins

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid ALice $50 $100 150 Shingle Bill grainer $4.50 4 50 $1299 25 ^25^


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Nov 1, 1897