Day in the Life

Nov 21, 1897

Journal Entry

November 21, 1897 ~ Sunday

Sun Nov 21st all well this morning. Bro Nuttall waited on me. After breakfast
we all went to the meeting house, the Sabbath School in session. Pres Geo Q Cannon

talked to the children. at 1030 am the Quarterly Conference convened. Pres Ira N Hinckley
presiding. Sang "The morning breaks &c" prayer by B[isho]p Thos Callister. Sang "Come we that
love the Lord." Pres Hinckley reported the Stake followed by B[isho]p Yates of Scipio Ward
Pres Cannon spoke 25 minutes and I followed for 23 mints, & Pres Cannon 4 mins
Sang "O come let us sing" benediction by Br John Ashman. We took dinner
at Bro Hales, Sister M I Horne's brother. Attended meeting again at 2 pm.
Sang "Go ye messengers of glory." prayer by B[isho]p Yates. Sang I know that my
Redeemer lives." The Sacrament was administered, afterwch Elder Nuttall spoke
35 mits and Pres Geo Q Cannon 37 mits. Sang "The Lord is risen"
benediction by Bro Jos D Smith. all went to Bro Hales. Pres Cannon
& Elder Nuttall attended the Priesthood meeting this evening. President Hinckley
& Cannon did the speaking. We slept at Bro Hales.


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Letter from A. F. F. Jensen, 21 November 1897
Dorchester Wis President Wilford Woodruff Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Salt Lake Utah. Dear Sir & Brother in Christ My letters to you have been answered by President Lewis A Kelech of Northern States Mission 143 Le Mogne St Chicago. Whom also enclosed some Pamphlets to me. I have Book what the World Believes on Page 586 a Chapter from pen of Franklin D Richards appears on pages 609, 610 & 611 I find that government at Washington legislated against Orders prevailing in your Terretory that were contrary to Law & Order and contrary to the Apostolic Doctrine also contrary to your own Declarations of Doctrines as expressed on page 601 & 602. You state in Article of Faith that you believe in Obeying, Honoring, & Sustaining the Law. My Friend if this was Truth Our Congress would not had to legislate against you. I do not write for to stir up strife or Contention but in the enterest of Truth. I mean that any Organization whom lay claim to Devine Origin must come before the People in the Spirit of Truth. We as Human Beings are liable to Err and make Mistakes but Our Great Creator has given us Judgment and Reasoning Powers which we should use to his Glory and Honor and also for the uplifting of Humanety or Our Brother Man. Now Mr President, to bring in a Righteous Government it becomes absolutely necesary that Gods Professed Children Unite to Oppose all Wrong or Evil Laws. For a Righteous Government can not be Established

Nov 21, 1897