Day in the Life

Nov 30, 1897

Journal Entry

November 30, 1897 ~ Tuesday

Tues Nov 30. at the office, busy most of the day in the ogden Power
Company meetings and went home at 430 pm


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Letter from Frank Eugene Morris, 30 November 1897

Salt Lake City, Wilford Woodruff, President Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Dear Brother: Have received your letter of even date, requesting me to be ready to leave San Francisco, on January 6th, 1898, and would say that I am perfectly willing to leave on the date mentioned if I can arrange obtain the necesasary means to take me to my field of labor. Though the call was unexpected, yet I have always looked forward to the time when I could bear the glad tidings of the Gospel of Christ to those who are not familiar with the true import of SHis teach- ings. As it is desired that I labor in Samoa, I shall go there with as much pleasure as I would to any of the so-called Christian nations; it being my object, first to obey the servants of God in all things; and let my own desires be of secondary consideration. Your Brother in the Gospel Frank Eugene Morris.

Letter from Ephraim Jessop, 30 November 1897

Millvill President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Dear. Bro: I recived a letter some time ago from Box. B. I acknoledge, and submit to your authority to Call Missionaries to Preach the Gospel, and although my means are very limited I will try and go as soon as you wish I know nothing of any other languege, beside English I Remaim very Respectfully Your Brother Ephraim Jessop.

Letter from Samuel Stark, 30 November 1897

Payson Utah. President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brother; In compliance with the instructions contained in Bro. Reynolds' letter herewith, I 'am pleased to say, that I now have got out of debt, but feel sorry to have to impose upon your kindness until about February 15th 1898, to secure the necessary means for the Contemplated Mission. You may, however, arrange for me any time after the above mentioned date, when I will be prepared to leave. Awaiting your further instructions, I remain. Your Brother and Humble Servant, Samuel Stark. J. S. Page Jr Bishop

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

$30 $30 $30 120

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid Cash $5 To $20 25 $660

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

from valley House 20 [30] from Church Jack $80 80 1832 50

Nov 30, 1897