Day in the Life

Dec 15, 1897

Journal Entry

December 15, 1897 ~ Wednesday

Wed Dec 15 I am feeling well, had a good nights rest drove to the office
& returned at 330 pm


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Letter from Charles D. Fox, 15 December 1897
Salt Lake City, Utah, . To the Hon. President Wilford Woodruff, City. Dear Brother: Your communication of the 13th inst. was received. In reply will say: That I will be prepared to leave Vancouver for a mission to Australia on the 10th of next month, the date mentioned in your letter. Your Brother, Chas. D. Fox Walter J Beatie Bishop of the 17th Ward.
Letter from Alonzo Pratt Kesler, 15 December 1897
Brooklyn, . 189 Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. My dear Brother: With pleasure I hand you herewith our financial report for the past three months. You see we are able to keep our head above water, and we have a very nice office to invite our strangers in to see us, such as news paper reporters ect. Indeed I am happy to say we have a very comfortable conference house. I am prepared to receive our brethern as they come to their fields of labor. We have about 120 Elders in this field and it seems as though we could use that many more to a good advantage Wehave only baptized upwards of 100 people since my time here, but I think that is fairly good when we consider that nearly all of our Elders are new in the field. Our Neophites, what we have are good inteligent people, and we are educating them hiow to pay tithing and live their religion. I have been all through the field twice and have organized Eleven Conferences. Our Elders are full of faith and determined to do their duty. Part of them travel without money. Recently while I was at Boston holding conference I met an old member of our Church who was Baptized by Prest. Young and he has not seen one of our Elders before for 45 Yrs. With love to your self and Coworkers, I remain, with prayers for "Zion's" triumph, Your brother, A P Kesler Very good letter. J. F. S.
Letter from S. Francis, 15 December 1897
Morgan, Utah, . President Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Brother, A short time ago President Fry told me that you had sent him his voucher, for services as President of The Stake, and he further said to me that it was your wish that his counselors make ap- plication to you individually for the compensation they needed. If it had not been your wish I would have pre ferred to make this application through President Fry. Please send me a voucher for my compensation this year, for one hundred dollars and oblige, Yours in the Gospel, A. Francis.

Dec 15, 1897