Day in the Life

Jan 21, 1898

Journal Entry

January 21, 1898 ~ Friday

Fri Jan 21. I am feeling better this morning and went to the
office, busy at my desk & returned home at 4 pm.


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Letter from Evan W. Jones, 21 January 1898

[sideways text] Evan [CPeair] [end of sideways text] January the 21st 1898 To the Trustee In Trust of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints Dear Brother I write to Inform You that my Sister Christina Torrance now residing in Scotland is in very poor circumstance. And I wrote and asked the Bishop of Bountiful of which Ward we are a Member If we sent her our tithing weif we would be credited just the Same. But He Said we had better pay our tithing to him And write to The BPresiding Bishopric which we did And they directed us to you, but I thought by the time that I would find out

Letter to Francis Asbury Hammond, 21 January 1898

Salt Lake City, Utah . Prest. F. A. Hammond, San Juan Stake of Zion. Dear Brother: We shall be pleased to receive from you at an early date the names of 3 brethren whom you and their respective bishops can recom- mend for missions to preach the Gospel. Enclosed you will find blank forms on which to insert their names, with as many of the particulars therein requested as, from your personal knowledge and through enquiry, you are able to give. Brethren who can speak German, Swedish, Dutch, Hawaiian or Maori are particularly desires at the present time. Trusting this important matter will receive your prompt and careful consideration, We remain, Your Brethren, Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith

Letter from William Banks Smith, 21 January 1898

Pres. Wilford Woodruff S. L. City. Dear Brother, Yours of the 18th inst is at hand. Notifying me of being called to a mission to Northern States, & of my acceptance. Yes! I am willing to go, & accept the call, & will fix for my departure on the mentioned in your letter May 12th [18]98. I remain Your Bro. in the Gospel, Wm B. Smith. Albert Marsh. Bp

Letter from Niels Christian Heileson, 21 January 1898

Logan, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother, I received a letter from you asking my feelings in regard to preforming a mission in New Zealand. I have thought the matter over and have concluded that with the help of the Lord I will go and do the very best I can. I feel my weakness and incapability in going as an instrument to defend the gospel, but if it is the will of God I know that I will be blessed in going. If circumstances will permit I will be ready in

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898


Jan 21, 1898