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Day in the Life

Feb 8, 1898

Journal Entry

February 08, 1898 ~ Tuesday

Tues Feb 8th At the office. recd letter from M. went home at 4 pm

Emma & Owen left home for Vernal on the R. G. W train this evening to make
a visit with Nellie & her children & for Owen to attend the Ashley Stake Conference


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jul 1904
439 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Emma Manella
4 Jul 1860 - 30 Nov 1905
238 mentions
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
874 mentions


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Letter from Olive Lowry Anderson, 12 February 1898
Letter to Stake Presidents, 8 February 1898
Salt Lake City, Utah, . To the Presidents of Stakes throughout Zion, Dear Brethren: The requests for more missionaries made by the Presidents of the various missionary fields, especially in the United States, are increasing so rapidly and growing so pressing that we have thought it well to make a further requisition upon the various Stakes of Zion. This we do now: asking the Stake Presidencies to send us with as little delay as possible the names of as many brethren as they consistently can. As a rule brethren over 45 years of age are not able to satis- factoryily endure the toils and vicissitudes of missionary life, but, on the other hand, there are robust, well preserved brethren to be found among us who can do so for a number of years later. In making these selections we shall trust to your good judgment, and that you will seek the promptings and guidance of the Spirit of God. With this we enclose blank forms for your use in sending in your lists of brethren suggested for these labors. Your Brethren in the New and Everlasting Covenant, Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith
Letter from Conrad Keller, 8 February 1898
Manti . President Willford Woodruff Dear Brother: I received your letter, from date January 10, 1898, in regard to this Call, I will answer that I accept it I will be ready by that date April 23, 1898. I am sorry I could not answer sooner as, I was away to the sheep herd, and hope you will excuse me Your Brother in the Gospel Conrad Keller. Hans Jensen Bishop

Feb 8, 1898