Day in the Life

Jul 4, 1898

Journal Entry

July 04, 1898 ~ Monday

Monday July 4th A General holaday. Col. Isaac Trumbo called on me
with a carriage and we drove to and attended the 4th of July celebration at the
Sugar House ward at which I enjoyed myself very much. Bro Geo M

Cannon was the orator of the day. In the afternoon I went to Saltair &
met with Pres Geo Q Cannon, and witnessed the performance of a lady contortionist
and returned on the 6 pm train.

On th he celebrated the day in
Sugar House Wd. accompanied by Prest
Col. Isaac Trumbo. In the afternoon
he went to Saltair with Prest Geo. Q.


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Cannon, George Mousley
25 Dec 1861 - 23 Jan 1937
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2295 mentions


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Letter from John J. Roberts, 4 July 1898
Paradise Wilford Woodruff Dear President: I am more than pleased to inform you that I am willing and will be ready to leave Salt Lake City on time to leave San Francisco at the time appointed for my departure to Samoa to fulfill a mission Oct. 5th, [18]98. I am very respectfully your humble Servant and Brother in the Gospel. John J. Roberts Paradise Utah O.K. Samuel Oldham, Bishop.
Letter from Ammon Meshach Tenney Jr., 4 July 1898
President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brother, In replying to your Favor of June 9th. Will say that my circumstances will not permit me to leave home just at present. As I am greatly in Debt. But will Gladly accept a Mission as soon as I can get out of Debt that I may go honorably. Hoping this will prove Satisfactory I am your Brother in the Gopel A. M. Tenney, Jr. W. DERBY JOHNSON JR. JUL 15 1898 COLONIA DIAZ, CHIA. Colonia Diaz. July 15th, 1898. Pres't Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Utah, U. S. A. over Dear Brother:— The above statement of Bro Tenney is true and correct, I did not know of his ^name^ being placed on the list for missionaries from this Ward, or as his Bishop I would not have sanctioned it, as I know of his bieeing in debt, he is a fine young man and will fill a good mission, and be glad to do so soon as he gets his debts paid. I can give him the best of recommendations. Under these circumstacens I would recommend ^or suggest^ that his call be postponed until next spring. Praying the Lord to ever bless you. I remain Your Brother &c. W. Derby Johnson Jr. Bishop This brother's name was on the regular printed form used by the local authorities
Letter from Evert Neuteboom Jr., 4 July 1898
Ogden, Utah, President W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brother: I am pleased to be able of reporting the name of another good man for the Netherlands and Belgem Mission. He speaks Dutch France German & English, and is therefore of great benifit to that mission, as the reports from my friends shows, the necesscity of having man that are acquainted with the language and the ways of the people. His name is: J. Stein, Logan Utah. I think he could arange things so that he would be able to leave when wanted. Ever praying for your welfare I remain Your Brother in the Gosple of Christ E. Neuteboom 647-27 Let us try him J. F. S. Letter of Eng—N.


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Jul 4, 1898