Day in the Life

Jul 6, 1898

Journal Entry

July 06, 1898 ~ Wednesday

Wed July 6th I went to the office feeling very well. attended the Directors meeting
of the Z. S. B. & Trust Co at 1 pm & presided. Went home at 4 pm. This is Elder L. John
birthday anniversary & he went to Provo for a family reunion.


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Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905


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Letter from Alfred Danks, 6 July 1898
Montpelier Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In answer to your letter of June 23 in which I was called to go upon a mission to the Southern States—leav ing Salt Lake Oct 20th 1898 I wish to say that I will be on hand to leave at the appointed time if the Lord will continue his blessings unto me. Your Bro in the gospel, Alfred Danks
Letter from Niels Johan Torkelsen, 6 July 1898
Salt Lake City Bro: Woodruff I hereby acept yurs calle to go as a mission to Scan- dinavia and will be reddy by the stated time in the call July 23. Yurs Brother in the Gospel Nils Johan Torkelsen
Mission - Missionary Certificate for George A. Smith, 6 July 1898
in behalf of said Church. Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith First Presidency.


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Jul 6, 1898