Day in the Life

Jul 19, 1898

Journal Entry

July 19, 1898 ~ Tuesday

Tues July 19th Feeling well. at the office. attended the current business


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Letter from Andrew Ephraim Fuhriman, 19 July 1898
Providence First Presidency Dear Braethenrn I recived a letter from Sec Rennolds. inquriring if it would be agreeable to my feelings and Consistent with my CircCumstans to be called to take a mission to Switzerland My feelings ar[e] to do what ever I can when called upon. But it is almost be unpossible for me to get ready before the frirst of November, for I would like to go and make a little means to pay my debets and dispose of thing that will be of no use to me while gone, for I havent ready money on hand. Your Brother A E Fuhriman Providence Cache Co Notify Swidz 5 Nov [18]98


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Jul 19, 1898