Day in the Life

Jul 22, 1898

Journal Entry

July 22, 1898 ~ Friday

Fri July 22nd At Provo, we are having a good job done on the porch


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Letter from Franklin Riley Taylor, 22 July 1898

WilfordPresident Wilford Woodruf Dear Brother I being called as a missionary to Indian Territory ^and^ being as I have not as yet received ^any^ definate time to be in Salt lake city. I will be their on time the 1st first of september as my call, called me to be in salt lak city at as early a date as september. I desire to start the 15th of august for I would like to spend a few days in utah I will be on time and by the help of the lord I will preform my mission to the best of my ability for I can relise that their is a great work to preform in this church and I am thankful that I am one of the ones to roole on the work of the lord. I remain your brother in the gospel Franklin R. Taylor

Letter from William Stirling, 22 July 1898

Leeds Presedient Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I will be thir at the appointed time if all is well William Stirling Leeds July 22 1898 Prest. W. Woodruff. Es. Dear bro I fully endorse the call of bro Wm Stirling as a missionary, hHim being a native of Scotland and having many realtives there, would liked very well to have been caled to that country, however he is willing to go wherever sent. Yours Truly B. Y. Mcmullin, Bp.

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 22 July 1898

Prest! W. Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Brother, Your favor of yesterday to hand informing us of the suggestion of the First Presidency and Apostles to change the name of our stake to Fremont for reasons given. While there is not time to lay the matter before our people before replying to you now we are satisfied the change will meet with their approval and we the undersigned freely acquiesce, Brother Wm. F. Rigby being at present in Teton valley and not here to sign with me. Your Brethren in the Gospel T E Ricks

Letter from Andrew Barnson, 22 July 1898

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your letter of July 15th was duly received and in reply to same will say that I regret that my present circumstances are such that I feel that it would be unwise for me to arrange to start on my mission to the Southern States on the 18th of August next. I have not been so successful financially as I expected and therefore not quite pre- pared to start so soon, but the main obsta- cle seems to be a sore on my lip of a can- cerous nature for which I have been receiving treatment for some time and was in hopes that it was cured, but found it was not. I understand that another company of missionaries are to start towards the last of next September, and if possible I should be pleased to make arrangements to start at that time or a little later if others should be going sometime this fall. I should be glad to hear from you again, and also to receive such instructions as will be necessary to enable me to be pre- pared, so that I may know what amount of means &c would be necessary to fromfit

Letter from James Gillespie, 22 July 1898

Prest. W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother, Enclosed find check 15000 which receipt is for and oblige Your Brother Jas. Gillepsie


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Jul 22, 1898