Day in the Life

Jul 26, 1898

Journal Entry

July 26, 1898 ~ Tuesday

Tues July 26th I went to the office feeling well. Recd letter from M[adam] Mountford
& wrote to her. busy and went home at 4 p.m.


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Letter from Charles Greenleaf Young Higgins, 26 July 1898
St. George President Wilford Woodruf. Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Sir: Having received, read, and contemplated your let- ter of July 15th, I will now proceed to answer it. I am proud and happy to know that I am cou- nted worthy to be an embassador for Christ, to those who know not of him, nor the work which we are doing in his name. And, the only obstacle that now pre- sents itself is the lack of means to prepare myself to start; but, by a continueous effort and the
Letter from Jasper T. Woods, 26 July 1898
Clover Valley Lincoln Co Nev President Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro I have no reason what ever to shrink from the call as a Missionary to Promulgate the everlasting Gospel and will try and be on hand and ready as early as September 8th 1898 to start from Salt Lake City to the Northen States Mission Your Bro in the Gospel Jasper T. Woods. George A Holt Bp
Letter from Thomas Platt, 26 July 1898
Pinto, . Presidant Woodruff Dear Brother, Your letter of notifi- cation is at hand and carefully noted. In answere will say I will be on hand on the date mentioned 28 Sept. to leave Salt Lake City. Would be pleased if you would send me a letter of instructions in regard to mission as to the exp- ense tof the mission Trusting this will be sat- isfactorily, I remain you brother in the Gospel, Thos. Platt Bp. R. C. Knell.


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Jul 26, 1898