Treaty concluded May 7, 1830 (Commerce and Navigation).
1596. ARTICLE 11.
The Sublime Porte may establish S h a h b e n d e r s (Consuls)
in the United States of America, and the United States may appoint
their citizens to be Consuls or Vice-Consuls at the commercial places
in the dominions of the Sublime Porte where it shall be found need-
ful to superintend the affairs of commerce. These Consuls or Vice-
Consuls shall be furnished with b e ra t s or f i r m a n s ; they
shall enjoy suitable distinction, and shall have necessary aid and
1597. ARTICLE 1V.
If litigations and disputes should arise between subjects of
the Sublime Porte and citizens of the United States, the parties shall
not be heard, nor shall judgments be pronounced, unless the American
Dragoman be present. Causes in which the sum may exceed five hundred
piasters shall be submitted to the Sublime Porte, to be decided accord-
ing to the laws of equity and justice. Citizens of the United States
of America, quietly pursuing their commerce, and not being charged or
convicted of any crime or offense, shall not be molested; and even
when they may have committed some offense they shall not be arrested
and put in prison by the local authorities, but they shall be tried
by their Minister or Consul, and punished according to their offense,
following, in this respect, the usage observed toward other Franks. 1
1598. ARTICLE V.
American merchant-vessels that trade to the dominions of the
Sublime Porte may go and come in perfect safety with their own flag;
but they shall not take the flag of any other power, nor shall they
grant their flag to the vessels of other nations and powers, nor to
the vessels of rayahs, The Ministers, Consuls, and Vice-Consuls of
the United States shall not protect, secretly or publicly, the rayahs
of the Sublime Porte, and they shall never suffer a departure from
the principles here laid down and agreed to by mutual consent.
m1599. ARTICLE 1X.
If any merchant-vessel of either the contracting parties should
be wrecked, assistance and protection shall be afforded to those of
the crew that may be saved, and the merchandise and effects which it
may be possible to save and recover shall be conveyed to the Consul
nearest to the place of the wreck, to be by him delivered to the pro-
1. See on the interpretation of this article United States Treaties (
(1887), pp. 1368 and following.
Treaty concluded May 7, 1830 (Commerce and Navigation).
1596. ARTICLE 11.
The Sublime Porte may establish S h a h b e n d e r s (Consuls)
in the United States of America, and the United States may appoint
their citizens to be Consuls or Vice-Consuls at the commercial places
in the dominions of the Sublime Porte where it shall be found needful to superintend the affairs of commerce. These Consuls or ViceConsuls shall be furnished with b e ra t s or f i r m a n s ; they
shall enjoy suitable distinction, and shall have necessary aid and
1597. ARTICLE 1V.
If litigations and disputes should arise between subjects of
the Sublime Porte and citizens of the United States, the parties shall
not be heard, nor shall judgments be pronounced, unless the American
Dragoman be present. Causes in which the sum may exceed five hundred
piasters shall be submitted to the Sublime Porte, to be decided according to the laws of equity and justice. Citizens of the United States
of America, quietly pursuing their commerce, and not being charged or
convicted of any crime or offense, shall not be molested; and even
when they may have committed some offense they shall not be arrested
and put in prison by the local authorities, but they shall be tried
by their Minister or Consul, and punished according to their offense,
following, in this respect, the usage observed toward other Franks. 1
1598. ARTICLE V.
American merchant-vessels that trade to the dominions of the
Sublime Porte may go and come in perfect safety with their own flag;
but they shall not take the flag of any other power, nor shall they
grant their flag to the vessels of other nations and powers, nor to
the vessels of rayahs, The Ministers, Consuls, and Vice-Consuls of
the United States shall not protect, secretly or publicly, the rayahs
of the Sublime Porte, and they shall never suffer a departure from
the principles here laid down and agreed to by mutual consent.
1599. ARTICLE 1X.
If any merchant-vessel of either the contracting parties should
be wrecked, assistance and protection shall be afforded to those of
the crew that may be saved, and the merchandise and efects which it
may be possible to save and recover shall be conveyed to the Consul
nearest to the place of the wreck, to be by him delivered to the pro-
1. See on the interpretation of this article United States Treaties (
(1887), pp. 1368 and following.