(third sheet)
in man which they themselves do not possess. When
they see a superiority then they are humble and submissive.
This is their education for centuaries, with them it is second
nature. If we try to be their equals, as the Gospel teaches, and as we
would naturally like to be, we destroy our influence, To the mem
bers we may be what the Gospel teaches, but to the others we must
appear above.
I thank you for the appropriation fo
the schools in . At a young sister is instructing the
children of the saints & it works very well. I have not
heard ^what^ is being done at aboout the school.
Bread has gone up at and it is possi
ble our Saints at Aintab will have to be assisted as
they will undoubtedly be short of food when winter comes.
Work is so poor that it seems at best as though it would
keep no one. They manage, however, if they can only find
work. I think the saints in Livas & Zara will not suffer.
The crops are good there, bread is cheap & work better than
at Aintab. The saints at continue the same.
Sister continues unwell I am sorry to say. She is the
soul of that branch.
Personally I am well as I believe President
& Elder are. Individually I feel well in the
Gospel & take great pleasure in my labors. Yet I confess
that the trial to leave home & family has been much
greater this time than ever before. And then I feel a
great responsibility connected with this whole mis
sion. So long as I had the pleasant copmpany and advise of
Apostle I was all right but now I feel lost often
(third sheet)
in man which they themselves do not possess. When
they see a superiority then they are humble and submissive.
This is their education for centuaries, with them it is second
nature. If we try to be their equals, as the Gospel teaches, and as we
would naturally like to be, we destroy our influence, To the mem
bers we may be what the Gospel teaches, but to the others we must
appear above.
I thank you for the appropriation fo
the schools in Turkey. At Zara a young sister is instructing the
children of the saints & it works very well. I have not
heard what is being done at Aintab about the school.
Bread has gone up at Constantinope and it is possi
ble our Saints at Aintab will have to be assisted as
they will undoubtedly be short of food when winter comes.
Work is so poor that it seems at best as though it would
keep no one. They manage, however, if they can only find
work. I think the saints in Livas & Zara will not suffer.
The crops are good there, bread is cheap & work better than
at Aintab. The saints at Haifa continue the same.
Sister Hilt continues unwell I am sorry to say. She is the
soul of that branch.
Personally I am well as I believe President
Maycock & Elder Larsen are. Individually I feel well in the
Gospel & take great pleasure in my labors. Yet I confess
that the trial to leave home & family has been much
greater this time than ever before. And then I feel a
great responsibility connected with this whole mis
sion. So long as I had the pleasant company and advise of
Apostle Lund I was all right but now I feel lost often