Circular to Angus Munn Cannon and counselors, 9 May 1893


Circular to Angus Munn Cannon and counselors, 9 May 1893
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    Salt Lake City, Utah, May 9th 1893. President Angus M Cannon and Counselors, Salt Lake Stake of Zion. Dear Brethren: With this we return the recommends given by you to members of your Stake to be present at the dedicatory services at the Temple. We do so for the purpose that you may carefully examine them and become acquainted with the standing of the persons recom- mended. There were numbers who gained admission to these services whose lives had, for many years, been inconsistent with their calling ...
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    Him in newness of life, it would be well not to impose further conditions or to require that any of the Saints should be re- baptized before they can be recognized as in full fellowship; on the other hand, none should be forbidden to, in this way, renew their covenants, if they feel that by so doing they will more fully satisfy their consciences, or will receive thereby renewed strength to commence a life more faithful in the observance of God's commandments. We desire that the Presidents of quorums should act in harmony with the Presidents of Stakes ...