17 I rode to springRochester with father Coltrin &
once more had an interview with some of our fox
Island friends we stoped at Mr Carvers I was
pleased with an interview with mother & Sister Carver but esspecially with Brother & Sister Thomas who had arived at Rochester since
I left I had not seen him before since we part
ed in india last winter I also saw Sister Brown
who was called to mourn the loss of her husband &
oldest Daughter Sister Brown was perfectly resi
gned I spent the night with Br Thomas {distance of the day} 8 miles
~ Sunday
18th Sunday I preached the funal sermon of the
wife of Brother Zemira Draper who Died at 5 oclock
PM on Saturday the 17th of Aug aged 22 years.
(Brother Charles Brown and his daughter Rebecca
both died on the eve of the 6th day of Aug 1839
Brother Brown Died at 11 oclck & Rebeccaa 12
& were buried the next day ^both in one grave^) I accompanied the
corps of Sister Draper to the grave I had an interview
with most all of the fox Island friend. I spent the
night with Elder Stephens{distance of the day} 4 miles
~ Saturday
17 I rode to Rochester with father Coltrin &
once more had an interview with some of our fox
Island friends we stoped at Mr Carvers I was
pleased with an interview with mother & sister
Carver but esspecially with Brother & Sister
Thomas who had arived at Rochester since
I left I had not seen him before since we part
ed in india last winter I also saw sister Brown
who was called to mourn the loss of her husband &
oldest Daughter Sister Brown was perfectly resi
gned I spent the night with Br Thomas {distance of the day} 8 miles
~ Sunday
18th Sunday I preached the funal sermon of the
wife of Brother Zemira Draper who Died at 5 oclok
PM on Saturday the 17th of Aug aged 22 years.
(Brother Charles Brown and his daughter Rebecca
both died on the eve of the 6th day of Aug 1839
Brother Brown Died at 11 oclck & Rebecca a 12
& were buried the next day both in one grave) I accompanied the
corps of Sister Draper to the grave I had an interview
with most all of the fox Island friends I spent the
night with Elder Stephens{distance of the day} 4 miles
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