[sideways text]
April 6th Conference commences here to day and am now sitting at sister
table writting I rode down here yesterday to go to meeting but the weather
is dull and damp and I think it not wisdom to nor go uoout to day. is 2
weeks old to day and I feal quite smart. is building up verry fast, there was
one thousand people came in yesterday some to attend the conference but the most of them to live
there. brothe has just come in and wishes to be remembered to he has got better of his
lameness. yesterday I had the satisfaction of hearing from you by receiveing a letter from you–the breth
ren and sisters many of them ask what are the news what are the news. I suppose that it will be read
to day in meeting as they have carried it acrost the to day. brother says that he will have
4 houses built in Commerc one for sister Taylor & Woodruff–their families are well
Brother expects to start for as soon as this meeting is over
[end sideways text]
Phebe W. Woodruff
April 1st 1840
Mr. Willford Woodruff
[sideways text]
Brother has just come in and wishes to be remembered
to you. will you not get your son a pair of shoes. I often kiss him and
for you wish you had the privilege of doing it yourself. So I must
bid you good night and undress the babe as it is growing late.
Brother has fo sent for me to go and satay with them
untill you return
[end sideways text]
[Wilford Woodruff] Phebe. W. Woodruff
April 1st 1840
April 6th Conference commences here to day and am now sitting at sister
table writting I rode down here yesterday to go to meeting but the weather
is dull and damp and I think it not wisdom to go [illegible] to day. is 2
weeks old to day and I feal quite smart. is building up verry fast, there was
one thousand people came in yesterday some to attend the conference but the most of them to live
there. brothe has just come in and wishes to be remembered to he has got better of his
lameness. yesterday I had the satisfaction of hearing from you by receiveing a letter from you–the breth
ren and sisters many of them ask what are the news what are the news. I suppose that it will be read
to day in meeting as they have carried it acrost the to day. brother says that he will have
4 houses built in Commerc one for sister Taylor & Woodruff–their families are well
Brother expects to start for as soon as this meeting is over
Brother has just come in and wishes to be remembered
to you. will you not get your son a pair of shoes. I often kiss him and
for you wish you had the privilege of doing it yourself. So I must
bid you good night and undress the babe as it is growing late.
Brother has sent for me to go and stay with them
untill you return
P W. W.
Mr. Willford Woodruff
stamp in black ink
Wilford Woodruff Phebe. W. Woodruff
April 1st 1840