^3rd^ and this was effected without the use of ax, hammer, or
^19^ or mettal tool, so that nothing was herd at Zion save
harmony & peace; theres appears to have been a curious
idea of pollution in the use of any Iron tools herd
about the , or holy structure (by the )
as it seemed this command was given to
by the Almighty on , [Exodus 20], respecting
the construction of the Tabernacle, that no tools
of Iron to be used, giving in the strongest terms as
conveying pollution, but gold, silvers & wood; brass
work at a distance, for the sound was not to be herd is
the Tabernacle. The was ownly
a small building, & vary inferior in point of size
to some of our churches, its dimensions being
ownly 150 feet long and 135 feet broad, but its splendor
& superiority lay in the richness of its materials, it
was built of white marble so excellently put together
that even the joints could not be distinguished, & looked
as one entire stone, the timbers was of ceder & olive wood
covered with plates of gold & even studded with precious
Jewels; the Expense of the building & ornaments of this
Temple, it is said by , amounted to £6,904,322,500 sterling
and this was effected without the use of ox, hammers,
or mettal tool, so that nothing was herd at Zions Sane
harmony & peace; theres appears to have been a curious
idea of pollution in the use of any iron tools leveled
about the Tabernacle, or holy thudine (by the Masons)
as it seemed this command was given to Moses
by the Almighty on Mount Sinai Exodus 20, remeting
the construction of the Tabernacle, that no tools
of Iron to be used, queing in the stronged tessus as
comieying pollutions, but gold, silvers & wood; brass
work at a distance, for the sound was not to be herd in
the Tabernacle. The Temple of Solomon was ownly
a small building, & very inferior in point of size
to some of our churches, its dimensions being
ownly 150 feet long and 135 feet broad, but its splendor
& superiority lay in the richness of its materials, it
was built of white marble so excellently put together
that even the joints could not be distinguished, & touched
as one entire stone, the timber was of ceder & olive wood
covered with plates of gold & even studded with precious
jewels; the expense of the building & ornaments of this
Temple, it is said by , amounted to ft. 904,322,500, sterling