The Testimony of Wilford Woodruff
Before closing this little book as a reader for our
Children, I wish to bare my testimony to
upon several principles to the
especially to the , the young men of
Israel. First I wish to speak of the spirits
of good & evil the Lord says whatsoever leads to
do good is of God & whater leads to do evil is
of the [Moroni 7:12], this is a very important subject for
us to understand the scriptures again tell us
that there is many spirits gone out into the
world and we should try the spirits to know what
is of God & what is of the world only. The
says that ery spirit that confesseth that Jesus is the Christ
is born of God, [1 John 5:1] & ery spirit that denyeth that Jesus is the
Christ is of & is not of God, [1 John 4:1-3] I will also add
that evry spirit that confesseth that was a
prophet of God, & that the , & are true is of God, and ery spirit that denitheth
denieth this is not of God but is of the evil one I wish
here to ask our friends the question as well as older
The Testimony of Wilford Woodruff
Before closing this little book as a reader for our
Children I wish to bare my testimony
upon several principles to the Latter Day Saints
especially to the , the young men of
Israel. First I wish to speak of the spirits
of good & evil the Lord says whatsoever leads to
do good is of God & whater leads to do evil is
of the , this is a very important subject for
us to understand the scriptures again tell us
that there is many spirits gone out into the
world and we should try the spirits to know what
is of God & what is of the world only. The
says that ery spirit that confesseth that Jesus is the Christ
is born of God, & ery spirit that denyeth that Jesus is the
Christ is of AntiChrist & is not of God I will also add
that evry spirit that confesseth that was a
prophet of God, & that the , & are true is of God, and ery spirit that
denieth this is not of God but is of the evil one I wish
here to ask our friends the question as well as older