the child will think the mother is the best woman on Earth
& the mother has power to instill into the mind of the child
what they please, & what the Mother imparts unto them will
stay with them through life the Mother should take [care] of the
children & not spend their time watching the Husband
it is the duty of Mothers to stay at home & take care of the
children. My duty calls me to be in this stand I know not
what my children are about or what they are doing they may
be in the streets swareing what I know as others do if they
should go to Hell it would be required at the Hands of the
Mother & not at my hands A child of mine shall not
conquer me I would sooner see them die than that they
should conquer me If any one of my children will
not follow my footsteps I will disinherit & disown them
they shall not have part in my kingdom I would rather
get children Adopted to me that will keep the command
ments. No child should rise up & teach & controll the Mother
Or woman should ^not^ rise up & dictate the Husband And the Husband
should not rise up & try to dictate His president or the Lord
In speaking of the English Language He said it was vary
incorrect He would not adopt it any more than He would the
Methodist disipline.
Education begins with the Mother to
the child you must keep it in rememberance that the Lord
Has commanded you to multiply & replenish the Earth [Genesis 1:28]
that you may have Joy & rejoiceing in the day of the Holy
Resurrection do you keep your minds pure & do you pray
night & day now pray from the time of conception till
the time of Delivery that your child may be filled with the Holy Ghost & that a Noble spirit from Eternity
may come into the tabernacle & that the Holy Ghost
may rest upon the Father Mother & child often when
some speak you cannot understand they make use of such
High flown words But when I speak you can understand
for I speak to your understanding. the variety in the English
Language I would like to be with the Holy Ones who are
full of Eternal light. A point of the finger or motion
would communicate without words when I am full
of the Holy Ghost I can se a man as well behind me as
before I can see their hearts by the spirit of God & know
what is in them. Adjourned till 1 oclok
Met according to Adjourmt at 1 oclk. President Young arose & said red a Hymm which was sung. Prayer offered
H. C. Kimball then arose & said I wish to speak to the underst
andings of the people I never saw any room like this on Earth
the cock pit in Preston is some like it I am satisfyed that Iwe
cannot build fast enough to Accomodate the people. President
Young teachings are sweeter than the best morsel I ever tasted
if we are faithful in keeping the commandmts of God you will never
fall in Battle but will be preserved to finish your work on Earth
Other intersting remaks was made By Brother kimball. Volenteers
were then kalled for to go with their teams to meet the emigrats
100 was kalled for 88 names were taken who volunteered.
Some men were then appointed to go on Foreign Missions
as follows
the Child will think the mother is the best woman on Earth
& the mother has power to instill into the mind of the child
what they please, & what the Mother imparts unto them will
stay with them through life the Mother should take care of the
children & not spend their time watching the Husband
it is the duty of Mothers to Stay at home & take care of the
children. My duty calls me to be in this Stand I know not
what my children are about or what they are doing they may
be in the Streets swareing what I know as others do if they
should go to Hell it would be required at the Hands of the
Mother & not at my hands A Child of mine shall not
conquer me I would sooner see them die than that they
should conquer me. If any one of my Children will
not follow my footsteps I will disinherit & disown them
they shall not have part in my kingdom I would rather
get children adopted to me that will keep the command
ments. No child should rise up & teach & controll the Mother
Or woman should not rise up & dictate the Husband and the Husband
should not rise up & try to dictate His president or the Lord
In speaking of the English Language he said it was vary
incorrect He would not adopt it any more than he would the
Methodist disipline.
Education begins with the Mother to
the Child you must keep it in rememberane that the Lord
has commanded you to multiply & replenish the Earth
that you may have Joy & rejoiceing in the day of the Holy
Resurrection do you keep your minds pure & do you prey
night & day now pray from the time of conception till
the time of Delivery that your child may be filled with
[FIGURE] the Holy Ghost & that a Noble Spirit from Eternity
may come into the tabernacle & that the Holy Ghost
may rest upon the Father Mother & child often when
some speak you cannot understand they make use of such
High flown words but when I speak you can understand
for I speak to you understanding. the variety in the English
Language I would like to be with the Holy Ones who are
full of Eternal light. A point of the finger or motion
would communicate without words when I am full
of the Holy Ghost I can se a man as well behind me as
before I can see their hearts by the spirit of God & know
what is in them. Adjourned till 1 oclok
Met according to adjournet at 1 oclok President Young arose &
red a Hymn which was sung. Prayer offered
H. C. Kimball then arose & said I wish to speak to the underst
andings of the people I never saw any room like this on Earth
the cock pit in Preston is some like it I am satisfyed that We
cannot build fast Enough to accomodate the People. Presidet
Young teachings are sweeter than the best morsel I ever tasted
if we are faithful in keeping the commandmts of God you will never
fall in battle but will be preserved to finish your work on Earth
Other intersting remaks were made by Brother kimball. Volenteers
were then kalled for to go with their teams to meet the Emigrats
100 was kalled for 88 names were taken who volunteered.
Some men were then appointed to go on Foreign Missions
as follows
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," April 8, 1852, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,